Hi everyone,

In Minneapolis at the STC conference this past week, I only met a couple
of people whose names I recognized from this list (including Lisa
herself!). Was anyone else from TCP there?

If you were there, what did you think of the conference? I was thrilled
by Adobe's presence. The Adobe guys and Bernard Aschwanden presented
some very good sessions. I attended three sessions on different aspects
of FrameMaker, and I loved each session. The sneak peaks that Adobe
offered of FrameMaker 8 were awesome. I can't wait to be able to use it
(even though they can't tell us when it will come out). FrameMaker is
NOT dead! And Adobe has actually listened to us! FM 8 is going to have
some pretty spiffy new features.

That being said, I was a little disappointed in the overall selection of
sessions at the conference. It seemed like there was a lot of focus on
stuff that didn't interest me much. Maybe I've reached a point where I
need to step up and present something myself rather than just
complaining that I wasn't satisfied. Now I just need to come up with a

However, I have to say that, even though I would have liked more variety
in the sessions, I think the conference was well worth the time and
money (particularly since it was my company's money instead of mine!). I
learned some new things and was able to work on refining some existing
skills. While I have the chance, I want to put in a plug for a few
speakers/presenters and who stand out in my mind as being very good and
a pleasure to listen to:

- Patrick Hofmann who did the Away with Words pre-conference session
- Bernard Aschwanden of Bright Path Solutions
- RJ of Adobe
- Scott Abel of the Content Wrangler
- Ze Frank who did the closing presentation--I found myself analyzing
the safety cards on the plane ride home, and I'm still laughing!

Thanks to those people and to everyone else who made the effort to
educate the rest of us.

For those of you who weren't at the STC conference, I'm just curious
why. Was it a money thing? A time away from work thing? A total lack of
interest in STC thing? For me the last several years, it was a family
thing. My kids were young enough that it was difficult for me to go.
Although my mother-in-law (my primary babysitter while I was gone) would
probably disagree, it was fairly easy for me to attend this year. 

(Now if this message doesn't give everyone out there a chance to reply
with something, I don't know what would!)  :-)

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