I had the same feeling. After 10 years of donating my time to STC (they
wouldn't even pay for the gas for the extra car I brought to one convention
solely for the purpose of helping bring 6 more people to the convention from
a long distance away...that was on top of my car going earlier and taking a
bunch of others...for which I didn't ask reimbursement) - I can't stomach
having to pay to attend an event now. Of course, I didn't get reimbursed
because the membership had a loud meeting protesting that the then-president
had traveled two times to Europe at STC expense, been reimbursed regularly
for Internet and telephone, etc. and cut all reimbursements of that type. I
actually didn't mind it at the time - until this past year when the new
President took a trip to London and they've apparently reinstated the
STC-will-pay rule (without bothering to check with the membership). Then I
was called a liar when I mentioned this had happened - I did get a public
apology when the person (a very active member), found out I was telling the
All in all, it was better for everyone that I was done with STC and I have
yet to see a reason to go back. Locally, we don't need STC to run events -
there are at least 3 local groups doing that far better and far more
extensively. We don't need STC to run conventions - we proved that this past
January, and we don't need the elitest attitude. STC's local website claims
that their members earn about $400-$500 more per month than non-STC members.
This is pathetic because while it is true in the strictest sense, there is
no connection between the facts. You could say STC members have an average
of 5 years more experience than non-members or whatever - but they don't
have experience and they don't earn more BECAUSE they are members of STC -
it is likely because more experienced writers are going to be able to get
their companies to pay for the membership - and since they have more
experience, they earn more money. This was even pointed out after the
"survey" was taken - but it didn't stop them from putting this "fact"
plainly on their website.
I come from the old school of membership - where the members drive the
organization and that the popularity of the organization isn't what is holy.
Anyway - yeah, STC national and international has a way of driving good
people away.


From: Sue Heim [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Sunday, May 27, 2007 5:15 AM
Cc: tcp@techcommpros.com
Subject: Re: [TCP] STC Conference this past week

Oh yeah. And I refuse to rejoin until the person who is Region 8 Director
(or is it sponsor now?) is no longer acting in that position! Because of
him, it was "no longer fun" to be an active leader, let alone member, in the
organization. And although I could join any other community I wanted (say,
Boston! <grin>), if I wanted to attend any local meetings, I'd have to pay.
(Although not sure I'd want to since their agenda is lousy, but that is
itself a whole other issue!) 
STC didn't just disrespect international members. They did a real good job
if disrespecting national members, who were active leaders in chapters and

On 5/26/07, Paula Stern (WritePoint) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 



3. A deep-seated anger that STC national took years and burned many people
by refusing to respect international members while using thousands of our 
dollars and our membership to be able to call itself an international
organization. It finally recognized some of its mistakes...but has done
nothing to undo the damage that was caused to local groups.
4. Politics - I can't stand the pettiness I have seen in the past and the 
fact that almost every past leader here is burned out, fed up, and
disgusted. I've seen the local council go against key membership opinions to
benefit the council members and bend by-laws so far that it is a joke. 

I believe STC national (and local) lost the interest of the ordinary
international technical writer when all it could see was itself in the
mirror. There are some small efforts it has taken to rectify this - but for 
me it is a case of too little and too late.


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