On 08/02/2010 01:25 PM, Simon Lyall wrote:
> Currently I have a group of web servers that are behind a load balancer.
> The load balancer has a simple health check which involves it getting a
> specific URL which just grabs a local file and checks the content for
> "ok".
> On each machine I have a few scripts that check load, availability
> of the application, another file to see if the server is manually offlined
> and then write "ok" to the static file if everything looks good and "down"
> if any aren't correct.
> However the scripts are a bit messy and unreliable so I was wondering what
> sort of thing other people use in this sort of situation?
> Thinking further this is probably a subset of my normal monitoring system
> which I shouldn't be duplicating (just having different thresholds to
> different actions).
> Our current monitoring system is slated for replacement over the next few
> months. Currently Zabbix is the front-runner (especially since it
> includes graphing which we are very deficient in), do people know if it's
> a good fit for this sort of role?
Zabbix will and does what it does well, but it is limited by only being 
able to POST variables for progressing through a site.  You can define 
multiple steps and it will graph the response times with different 
colours for each step, making it relatively easy to see which step is 
being slowest.
I Zabbix by preference for resource monitoring, but ended up knocking up 
a custom perl script for doing more complex site tests.
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