On Aug 3, 2010, at 1:12 AM, Damion Alexander wrote:
>>>     Zabbix is an awesome trending tool which tries to also do monitoring 
>>> and sucks badly at it
> You keep saying that phrase. I don't think it means... oh wait.  Exactly 
> what do you mean?
> I'm curious because I will soon be in the market for a 
> monitoring/trending solution and if possible would like to not have a 
> dozen systems for it.
> I've already run ZenOSS in a recent past life and spent more time trying 
> to keep it running smoothly than I did with any other system in my 
> environment. I really don't want to go down that road again.

I've got no practical experience with ZenOSS, so I can't say anything to that 

We just found that Zabbix's "monitoring and alerting" state of affairs was 
shite. But we loved the graphing mechanisms and flexibility that it offered on 
that front... it's "trending" system, if you like, was great.

But hey, we could just install Nagios, it's ALSO got trending tools, we could 
just use those trending tools and have great monitoring!  ... except that 
Nagios' trending tools are like something an intern duct-taped onto the product 
after the fact and aren't worth a damn.

So instead we install Zabbix, don't use ANY of it's "monitoring" features, and 
just let it draw thousands of pretty graphs.[1]  And then we installed Nagios, 
don't use ANY of its trending features, and just let it annoy us with e-mail 
messages and pager messages.


[1] Full disclosure: our networking guy insisted on Cacti for the network-gear 
because the discovery mechanisms and templates for Cacti for network gear were, 
apparently, much more awesome than Zabbix. But all of our SYSTEMS are in Zabbix.
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