On 08/02/2010 03:25 PM, Derek J. Balling wrote:
> On Aug 2, 2010, at 7:25 PM, Simon Lyall wrote:
>> Our current monitoring system is slated for replacement over the next few
>> months. Currently Zabbix is the front-runner (especially since it
>> includes graphing which we are very deficient in), do people know if it's
>> a good fit for this sort of role?
> After a long dark period of struggling with Zabbix, we came to the following 
> conclusions:
>       Zabbix is an awesome trending tool which tries to also do monitoring 
> and sucks badly at it
>       Nagios is an awesome monitoring tool which tries to also do trending 
> and sucks badly at it
> And we opted for a "best of breed" strategy, letting "zabbix be zabbix" and 
> be awesome at trending and such, and letting Nagios do all of our monitoring 
> and alerting, and never the two shall meet.
> Yes it means twice as much SNMP traffic for a bunch of metrics that are in 
> the join-set of "trend" and "monitor/alert", but it's well worth it, in my 
> opinion.
> Cheers,
> D

This is increasingly my opinion too.  I originally planned to ditch 
Nagios in this workplace once I'd got Zabbix all set up and happy (being 
familiar with it from previous jobs, nagios too for that matter), but 
I'm realising there just isn't enough benefit in dropping it.  Zabbix is 
getting me the trend and resource graphing that has already proven it's 
worth (as I knew it would).  Nagios does "just work" though for 
monitoring, and I'm a big fan of "just works".

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