For us, if it's mission critical (primary servers, SAN storage array,
etc), it's on 4 hour service contracts. Everything else (hardware
wise) has spares (warm spares, if possible).

I'm rapidly moving 75% of my machines virtual, which lowers the number
of pieces of hardware needed to be kept on warranty, but still
maintaining enough for high availability. The thing that I don't keep
enough of is network devices. Our primary and secondary sites have
redundant network connections, complete with clustered routers,
firewalls, switches, and load balancers, but my end-user sites have
"cold standbys", which is a kind way of saying "mothballed, old
unconfigured hardware". That's something I want to work on when the
budget improves.


On Thu, Aug 12, 2010 at 8:33 PM, Nick Silkey <> wrote:
> SMS. Tre cheap, IMHO. $work uses them for SPARC, Tru, and big honkin IBM tape 
> libraries. FWIW, we buy x86 Dell gear but do _not_ opt for SMS over Dell 
> service contracts.
> I think.
> Were 7x24 since we don't want n+1 of those architectures in the datacenter!
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Aug 12, 2010, at 7:25 PM, "Robinson, Greg" 
> <> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Wanted some input on the maintenance contract vs. hot/luke warm/cold
>> spares debate.  What does your $work do, and is it value for money?
>> If you run with spares, how much of your valuable sysadmin time is taken
>> up when you have to fix something, presuming that your newer hardware is
>> "slightly" different than your dead hardware and all the driver
>> ramifications that that entails.
>> If you do have maintenance contracts, do you have something like
>> critical systems on 24x7 support and others on, say, 9x5 support, to try
>> and reduce costs?
>> Interested in all possible scenarios.
>> Thankx,
>> Greg.
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