> From: tech-boun...@lopsa.org [mailto:tech-boun...@lopsa.org] On Behalf
> Of Robinson, Greg
> Wanted some input on the maintenance contract vs. hot/luke warm/cold
> spares debate.  What does your $work do, and is it value for money?

My advice is:

If you have single-point-of-failure mission critical servers, go for the
absolute best support contract.  Things like database servers, and NAS
servers and stuff.  Depending on the cost/value of downtime, you might also
have a spare identical unit standing by, just incase the mfgr is unable to
deliver on their SLA.

If you have a compute farm full of lots of identical interchangeable
systems, and you can afford one or two to be in downtime at any given
moment, then go with spares.

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