
Thank you all for your help. It was line-endings after all, after EDIT in
DOS, add some spaces and exit and save it worked. So I'm happy now. 

I subscribed only yesterday and I'm very glad that there is so much
expertise available. M-Tx saves really a lot of TeX-typing, so if I can
really use it, I'll be very glad.


-----Original Message-----
From: Tomas Lundberg
To: Gert Kessels
Cc: ''MusiXTeX ' '
Sent: 6-3-2003 16:32
Subject: Re: [TeX-music] M-Tx on Windows: starting up problems

Gert Kessels wrote:
> Sorry Christof, I can't find any news in the HOW TO section. I have a
> running environment for both, MusixTeX and PMX. It should be possible
to use
> the binary executable from the zip-file, but the only way left seems
> donwloading TurboPascal and figuring out why prepmx produces the

I'm quite sure that the problem is UNIX vs. DOS line endings.  The
example scores have UNIX line endings, and if you run those
through prepmx without converting them to DOS line endings you
get the error message you described.  So the answer is to convert
the example scores to DOS line endings.  This is done automagically
if you use "unzip" with the "-a" option; this is stated in the
"README" file.  I'm not sure if WinZip can do this automagically;
if not, you can do as stated in the "README" file under "Text
file formats" or use a separate tool for converting, such as
e.g. "tofrodos" ( http://www.thefreecountry.com/tofrodos/index.shtml ).


Tomas Lundberg, Ph.D.      E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
EAB/TVP/P                  Tel:    +46 (0)920 - 202361
Ericsson AB                Mobile: +46 (0)70 - 2736815
Luleå, Sweden              Fax:    +46 (0)920 - 202099
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