On Mon, 10 Jul 2006, Jean-Pierre Coulon wrote:

> Does anybody know when Hans Kuykens's warning at the beginning of the MusiXTeX
> manual was written? (... awesome job which gobbles ...)
> Of course the "disk space" part is now obsolete, but I'm just curious. Has
> anybody an old, old MusiXTeX manual? Could even be from the MusicTeX times.

It is at least 10 years old. As I began with the MusicTeX program, I certainly 
did not chose it for the challenge of mastering an awesome job, but for 
typesetting notes. If I would have read the manual, I would 
have quit right away after reading this sentence. Luckily,
I learned musicTeX from the Latex-book of Helmut Kopka (Addison Wesley) 
that contained a chapter about musicTeX and stated that it was no problem
for the author, an absolute layman in musics,
to typeset music with this program. Of course, Kopka is a TeXpert, but it was
certainly not an awesome job for me either because I was already familiar 
with TeX.

In my humble opinion, the whole sentence is obsolete. Can anyone tell me 
why it is untouchable?

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