On 24 juin 07, at 22:30:29, Don Simons wrote:

> Is this piccolo music?

Lol no, it's an arrangement from Piano Voice to Piano solo.

> The first one doesn't work because of the position of \Toctfin . I  
> guess
> that's pretty obvious since that's all you changed. But in the  
> first case
> it's the very last item in the excerpt, and PMX will probably never
> recognize Type 1 in-line TeX in that location.

Ok, I knew the origin of the matter, but I hadn't any explanation.

> The PMX manual pmx250.pdf says "Type 1 begins with a single \ and will
> appear in the .tex file right before the TeX command for the next  
> note or
> rest in the .pmx ?le." If there is no next note or rest, you've  
> obviously
> violated PMX's rules and are being punished accordingly. But that  
> may not be
> all you need to worry about. In truth, you might be able to cook up  
> some
> cases where there IS a next note or rest, but there are some other PMX
> things in between, and it might still work. PMX does not screen for  
> such
> occurrances and the results are unpredictable. To maximize the  
> chances that
> Type 1 works correctly, put it IMMEDIATELY before the PMX command  
> for a note
> or rest.

Please, don't punish me !
Ok, so I've to put "\Toctfin1\" just before the last note in the "8va".

> \toctfin1 doesn't work because \toctfin is shorthand for  
> \Toctfin0 . It does
> seem that there's an error in pmxccn.pdf . And even if the  
> reference were
> changed to \Toctfin1 , there's still and issue with its positioning.
> Cornelius?

Thank you for all !

I remarked too that you have to be careful with too much long lines...


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