On Thu, May 8, 2014 at 7:38 AM, Peter Jones <pjca...@gwi.net> wrote:

> Although the spread of WNS through the human vector is all but debunked at
> this point

When was it ever a viable theory? Pure fantasy. Just knee jerk hysteria
from the get-go. Widely touted, never remotely demonstrated in field
conditions, but accepted as fact in a gross perversion of scientific

> As much a pain in the ass as doing the full scale decon is, it's as much a
> sign that we care as cavers to help slow down the spread of the disease,
> whether it is effective or not.

Cosmetic, feel good, actions do ABSOLUTELY nothing to affect any situation.
Decon is as effective as carrying an umbrella to ward off meteorites.

Accepting a bogus process and requirement does not demonstrate "care", it
only demonstrates ignorance and surrender.

As long as cavers do not oppose such frauds they will be prisoners of their
own failure to employ reason and expect the same from others. Such a
posture only enables agencies to do what they wish without a shred of
factual data to support their actions and agendas.

I've stayed out of this for some months, but my demand is still the same.
Show me the evidence or stop the charade and reopen the caves.

Perhaps if others made the same demand we'd make some progress.

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