FWIW..... I didn't say anythng, just thought people who go caving in MX might 
find the article interesting.... coming from BP people.
I live in Del Rio and Cd Acuna is becoming a ghost town (tourist-wise).  A 
restaraunt owner named Manuel was sick of being leaned on by these cartel and 
he now owns "Manuel's" in Del Rio, shut down his restaraunt in Cd Acuna & moved 
it here. Now there are rumors that the f*ck*rs want to bomb Manuel's when it's 
full of people!  Great!
I work for the marina on Lake Amistad and possible boat renters are calling 
every day asking about the border situation on the lake, especially since 
Falcon Lake is having issues right now.  Some are even cancelling their 
reservations not wanting to chance it.
I used to go to Acuna when friends and family came to visit, plus I had quite a 
bit of dental work done there.  But when my friends' relatives who work for 
homeland security started getting nervous about their friends and family going 
across the border, so did I.  
I don't own a gun, but used one when I worked in law enforcement many moons ago.
I don't do any illegal drugs, nor do I even buy anything from the pharmacias in 
MX.  My meds are cheaper through my insurance.  Insurance didn't pay squat for 
dental which is why I went to MX for dental work.  I will not go there now as 
not only am I afraid to go to MX, but I still don't own a passport and probably 
won't, so feel free to blast me over anything I said here.



--- On Fri, 6/4/10, cavera...@aol.com <cavera...@aol.com> wrote:

From: cavera...@aol.com <cavera...@aol.com>
Subject: Re: [Texascavers] Fwd: Fw: Scary Border Stuff...Why Haven't We Heard?
To: pitboun...@gmail.com, fh...@townandcountryins.com
Cc: wo...@justfamily.org, caveran...@yahoo.com
List-Post: texascavers@texascavers.com
Date: Friday, June 4, 2010, 3:33 PM

Well done to suggest this thread goes to OT, Nico.  This is far more 
interesting and important than Locklear's sharing, but it doesn't have any 
direct bearing on caving.  That's why I made my previous supporting comment 
directly to you.  There I referred to a New York Times story about how guns 
used in Mexican cartel violence were traced to five gun shops in Houston, and 
that I knew four of the five shops - because I had bought guns in each one.  
And out of a group including the big Carter's Country stores the only one that 
lost its Federal firearms license was a literally Mom and Pop, Hispanic-owned 
place on north US 59 called the Father and Son Swap Shop.  They claim to have 
only sold three weapons, while Carter sold dozens.  

Thanks for sharing the German matter.  I'm always interested in such matters of 
history - including pointing out that the Republic of Mexico has lost a lot 
(take Texas, California,etc as we did.) due to the accident of geographical 
proximity with the US that you pointed out.  

Roger Moore

-----Original Message-----
From: Nico Escamilla <pitboun...@gmail.com>
To: Fritz Holt <fh...@townandcountryins.com>
Cc: Charles Goldsmith <wo...@justfamily.org>; caveran...@yahoo.com 
<caveran...@yahoo.com>; Cavetex <texascavers@texascavers.com>
Sent: Fri, Jun 4, 2010 3:07 pm
Subject: Re: [Texascavers] Fwd: Fw: Scary Border Stuff...Why Haven't We Heard?

Dont get me wrong y'all.. Im pro gun, own several and use them responsibly.. I 
just dont like it when people start ranting about the violence in my neck of 
the woods and how it can start affecting them when they (or their government 
for that matter) are also to blame.
Yes, legalizing drugs would really help (that would create a massive public 
health problem but I digress) is it going to happen? not in this lifetime and 
specially not in this continent where the authorities have gotten in bed with 
the drug lords, so to speak.. legalizing will mean that politicians/authorities 
will no longer be able to fill their pockets with bribe money so it'd be like 
slaughtering the cow thats giving you the milk.
In short if you wanna blame it on somebody, do it on the germans.. they're the 
ones who started all of this, for those of you that didnt know, they started 
bribing mexican authorities  during WWII to let them smugle drugs into the 
states so that the gringo youth would get hooked on them, why? to make them not 
want to go to war of course...
if anyone else feels like continuing this thread, please take it to the OT 
list. I will not respond to it if it comes to cavetex.


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