Back in the day, Ronnie Fieseler carried a handgun with special wax bullets 
 to use in cave entrances in case he encountered the odd rattlesnake.   
Worked quite well as I remember.  The bullets had a good bit of hitting  power 
yet melted on impact into harmless liquid that wouldn't ricochet back at  
In a message dated 2/21/2010 9:10:53 P.M. Central Standard Time, writes:

Might  make a good mystery/shoot-‘em-up book.   
From: Mark Minton  [] 
Sent: Sunday, February 21, 2010  9:08 PM
Subject:  [Texascavers] Re: cave guns

While it might conceivably be  useful to carry a gun _to_ a cave entrance 
(although not in my personal 40+  years experience), I cannot see any reason 
at all to carry a gun _into_ a  cave. Firing a gun in a cave would risk 
serious personal injury due to the  dangers of ricochet, not to mention that 
there is very likely nothing in a  cave that would be threatening enough to 
warrant having a gun. Anything worthy  of a gun would be obvious almost 
immediately, like a bear or a lion, and there  would likely be plenty of 
warning (like scat or remains of prey) so  that one could get away before 
needing to fire. Except for some possibly  extreme situations, this is a 
ridiculous concept.

Mark  Minton

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