WOW - my comment was meant to bring humor to the silliness of it all, because, 
like you, I was sick of it.

Sorry I kept it alive.....

I'll keep my "humor" to myself......



-----Original Message-----
From: Matt Turner <>
Sent: Wed, Sep 2, 2009 5:03 pm
Subject: Re: [Texascavers] Totally non caving related

People,?don't you think this e-bullying has gone on long enough? Frankly, while 
I wasn't annoyed by the initial issue I'm starting to get really annoyed by 
this. Yes we get that you didn't like someone's've made that more 
clear than my ADHD 8yr old nephew make a point,?so can we stop now?and move on?


Nobody who was complaining was purposefully trying to hurt anyone's feelings, 
but yall are now trying to hurt theirs. Can we stop with the childish remarks?


If this?is a campfire, at this point I'm getting ready to?walk away from it as 
it's?getting annoying?and sounding more like a cub scout campfire than anything 
else. Isn't that the point?of the off topic list?
Matt Turner

"It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without 
accepting it." - Aristotle

"Empty pockets never held anyone back.Only empty heads and empty hearts can do 
that."- Norman Vincent Peale

From: "" <>
Sent: Wednesday, September 2, 2009 4:47:02 PM
Subject: Re: [Texascavers] Totally non caving related

(I think I'm over 100 words)

295, but the joke at the end made it worth reading ;-)

-----Original Message-----
From: Geary Schindel <>
To: Diana Tomchick <>; Ron Miller 
Cc: Katy Roodenko <>; 
Sent: Wed, Sep 2, 2009 4:07 pm
Subject: RE: [Texascavers] Totally non caving related

Diana and others,

I can't agree more, Multi Drug Resistant TB is serious stuff and I knew that 

S.A. and the Rio Grande Valley are in the thick of the fight. Very interesting 

article, something I've been following in the press for a number of years.  

There is also an excellent book called Mountains beyond Mountains which 

discusses the TB issue along with health care issues in developing countries, 

places where cavers frequent (my tie in to caving and making this a relevant 

topic for Texas Cavers).  An individuals can place the population at great 

Most of us don't remember that a simple infection before the 1940's could be a 

death sentence but with the advent of modern antibiotics, folks dying of common 

infections became a thing of the past.  Most of the folks jailed with 


The over prescription of antibiotics to treat every runny nose and the self 

medication with antibiotics available over the counter in many countries has 

resulted in the effective loss of many antibiotics.  I'm not afraid of Ebola 

of MDR TB, Diphtheria, Whooping Cough, and some of the other diseases which 

real killers 60 years ago.

MDR TB is an excellent example of evolution which reminds me of my favorite 

Cartoon which has the old man in the doctor's office being examined.  The Dr. 

tells the old man that he has TB and the man asks him what they could do about 

that.  The doctor said, that depends on whether you believe in creation or 

evolution.  If you believe in creation, we'll treat you with the old 

and you'll die.  If you believe in evolution, we'll treat you with the new 

antibiotics the bacterium hasn't evolved resistance too, and you'll live.  LOL



(I think I'm over 100 words)


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