I was in Yellowstone two-weeks ago. The speed limit outside the park
is 55mph. The highest speed limit I hit between Western Colorado and
Montana was 75mph

     ~Gary Mc
       Grand Junction, CO

> At 01:44 PM 8/27/2005, Charles Shirley wrote:
> In Yellowstone Park and Grand Teton National Park the speed limit signs,
> outside of the little town limits, used to say "Safe and Prudent".  Does
> anyone know if that has changed? For most of us that was certainly faster
> than 80.
> Charles Shirley
> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-cave...@cavetex.net [
> mailto:owner-cave...@cavetex.net] On Behalf
> Of Linda Palit
> Sent: Saturday, August 27, 2005 9:52 AM
> To: cave...@cavetex.net
> Subject: FW: CaveTex: Texas to Soon Have Country's Highest Speed Limit

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