
What I find interesting about all the speed limit posts is that Texas is upping the speed limit just as some folks are projecting that we are reaching the maximum world oil production. If the projections are correct, and from what I've seen of the data, it makes sense to me; then the maximum world oil production is projected to occur either late this year or early next year. Currently, supply and demand are pushing gasoline prices upward and it is unlikely that we will every see $2.00 per gallon gasoline again. There is very little if any surplus capacity in the system right now. With most of the world economies based on cheap oil, with production peaking, and with demand, especially from China and India increasing, it could make for a very interesting and possibly grim future. (If you're interesting in securing the energy for your ecomony, maybe having troops in Iraq ain't such a bad idea).

If some of the energy folks are correct, we will need to transition to other fuel souces, which means major economic changes. From food to heat and light, our entire economy is pretty much based on very cheap oil. Now, in regarding to caving trips in west Texas and other points, they may never be cheaper than now. In addition, the days of driving large trucks and SUV's on caving events with just one or two people in them may be over. As fuel costs eat up more of our disposable income, will we be able to cave as much as we hoped? My fuel economy gauge which I use to judge the price of oil, indicates that people are starting to feeling the cost. (I use the Wal-mart gauge, that is, when people are no longer parked in front of Wal-mart with the engine running to keep there bodies cold or hot while they wait on someone shopping, then gas is about where it needs to be). Gasoline will be rationed - either by price or by odd and even numbered car tags (remember the good old days). I know my grandkids will probably state that we took 100 million years worth of hydrocarbons and burned them up in 100 years so we could stay cool in front of Wal-mart - what were we thinking.

Maybe we should have paid closer attention to David's hybrid car reports - the wave of the future.


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