I have written more articles for the Texas Caver in the past 5 years than any 
other person.  More importantly, I have also offered to assist in proofreading 
dozens of times over the years to numerous people, but no one has gotten me 
involved in proofing the final version for many years now.  And now we have an 
issue that has MULTIPLE ERRORS ON THE COVER.  If anyone thinks Jerry is being 
“hateful” because he is resting on his legacy rather than offering his proofing 
capabilities, then let me say as someone who has offered—and continues to 
offer—to proofread, multiple blatant errors on the cover is completely 

And for the record, I was the editor of the LAG News for the Lubbock Area 
Grotto back in the early 90s.  I have a minor in Technical Writing, and a B.S. 
in Computer Science.  I have too many other large, time-consuming projects for 
the Bexar Grotto and TCMA to be the actual editor, but I would be a huge 
benefit to the Texas Caver even in a limited proofreading role.

If you want to shut me up about blatant errors, then let me help proof.  I 
can’t guarantee I’ll catch every error, but at least then I’ll be one the 
people blamed instead of one of the people complaining.


From: Texascavers [mailto:texascavers-boun...@texascavers.com] On Behalf Of 
Fritz Holt via Texascavers
Sent: Sunday, October 16, 2016 4:24 PM
To: texascavers@texascavers.com
Subject: Re: [Texascavers] Texas Caver Magazine Ready (for what...?)

Having met several times over the last eleven years (became active again in the 
caving (spelunking) community in 2005), I feel I know you as a friend. I enjoy 
The Texas Caver  when I can find one but will leave the current "discussion" to 
you and others. I will say I like your responses to the allegations. Keep up 
the intelligent conversation. I will probably regret sending this, (not really).
Fritz Holt

Sent from my iPhone

On Oct 15, 2016, at 7:41 AM, Jerry via Texascavers 
<texascavers@texascavers.com<mailto:texascavers@texascavers.com>> wrote:

As usual, you speak without knowledge. This old coon has contributed quite a 
bit but you probably don't bother to find these things out nor read your Texas 

As for contributing little, I assume you are referring to the Texas Caver of 
late. I would be more than happy to proofread the print copy before it goes to 
the printer, but that's been rather difficult recently when one doesn't know if 
the Texas Caver actually is alive and who is in charge, and the editor in the 
past has ignored the advice that has been given her from several folks that 
actually have experience editing. Coons don't like to beat their heads against 
the wall too often, - leads to chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE) as you 
call it.

Jerry Atkinson (old coon).

-----Original Message-----
From: Rafal Kedzierski via Texascavers 
To: texascavers 
Sent: Sat, Oct 15, 2016 5:54 am
Subject: Re: [Texascavers] Texas Caver Magazine Ready (for what...?)

You have been hitting your head with rocks for too long, it's called chronic 
traumatic encephalopathy (CTE), time to hang up your email account old coon.

You insult supporters of Texas caving causes, then go on rants about Texas 
Caver where you contribute little. Just become one with the earth.


Get Outlook for iOS<https://aka.ms/o0ukef>

From: via Texascavers 
Sent: Saturday, October 15, 2016 6:40 AM
Subject: Re: [Texascavers] Texas Caver Magazine Ready (for what...?)
To: <texascavers@texascavers.com<mailto:texascavers@texascavers.com>>
Cc: <texascavers@texascavers.com<mailto:texascavers@texascavers.com>> 

I think you have me mixed up with someone else. Please either elucidate or 
climb back under that rock you tried to hit me with on the Powell's gate.


Sent from my iPhone

On Oct 15, 2016, at 4:45 AM, Rafal Kedzierski via Texascavers 
<texascavers@texascavers.com<mailto:texascavers@texascavers.com>> wrote:

It's poor form for you to blaming others for appearance of Texas Caver when you 
have taken no responsibility for your past leadership failures. Quit before you 
embarrass yourself any more.

Get Outlook for iOS<https://aka.ms/o0ukef>

On Sat, Oct 15, 2016 at 1:08 AM -0500, "via 
What you ought to be pissed off about is waiting a year for a really poorly 
edited TxCvr, when anyone that really cared about their job would have gone to 
extreme effort to put together the very best issue they could as a true apology 
for the transgressions of the past. And for the record, I gave credit where 
credit was due: the authors who bothered to send in articles to a defunct Cvr 
even if they didn't know it would be published. They deserve accolades, not the 

Sorry you find it hateful to call a spade a spade. Perhaps when you were an 
officer of the TSA, you could have helped correct the situation rather than 
send nasty emails to those that are disgusted with the lackluster results of a 
TSA that apologizes rather than acts when there is a serious problem.

And as a lesson to history, I have put in my time as an officer of the TSA, 
edited the TxCvr, and published the Activities Newsletter when another past 
editor did not perform. I've attended TSA meetings for over 40 years and been 
involved in and led TSA projects. Don't even try to give me a lesson on how 
things work and the sacrifices involved with making both the TSA and TxCvr work.

You, at least in the past as an officer, were responsible for not just putting 
on a Convention, attending meetings, and doing the miscellaneous jobs required 
by the office, but also carrying on a legacy established by others before you. 
The thousands of days and hours of work by others over 50 some years to create 
an organization that brought the various caving groups together, made them want 
to contribute to the greater good, and create one of the best caving 
publications in the country, is that legacy. That legacy has been increasingly 
squandered in the recent past to the point that folks ask me what difference 
the TSA makes nowadays. I try to defend the TSA but the inability to get a 
TxCvr out for a year, the lack of transparency in informing the membership of 
the situation, and the type of response I have received from you for voicing 
disgust at a well meant but poorly edited TxCvr after so long a hiatus, make it 

And if you think folks don't notice those glaring errors on the front cover, 
you must really have a low opinion of their expectations. Maybe that's part of 
our problem. Just getting by is apparently the norm, one must give credit and 
applause even for a poor job, and the lack of pride that folks seem to want to 
put into their work.

This may sound like nasty, hateful, talk and make you want to run away and 
hide, but it's time for the TSA to stand up and be counted. Those that came 
before you carried the water for many years. Now it's your turn and we're 

Jerry Atkinson.

Sent from my iPhone

On Oct 14, 2016, at 9:26 PM, Heather Tucek via Texascavers 
<texascavers@texascavers.com<mailto:texascavers@texascavers.com>> wrote:
Wow Jerry.  Thanks for being yet another hateful caver "family member" who has 
nothing nice to say, yet can't keep their mouth shut, who never offers positive 
criticism or maybe an offer to help those who need assistance with something 
they are new at doing. Sorry that so many people worked their butts off aside 
from their normal jobs and families to get a publication out that people have 
been griping about not getting, but not helping to produce, just to make you 
focus on spelling errors and publication inconsistencies that most people don't 
know about (yet don't get help finding).

Man, I'm so glad to be a part of this group.

-sincerely, your pissed off former secretary.

On Oct 14, 2016, at 9:12 PM, Jerry via Texascavers 
<texascavers@texascavers.com<mailto:texascavers@texascavers.com>> wrote:
I am in awe.

Just a quick perusal of the cover says it all. I'll be waiting for Marvin to 
return from his time machine trip to 2105. And for grins, I did find that 
"Haule"is a village consisting of about 610 inhabitants in the municipality of 
Ooststellingwerf in the east of Friesland in the Netherlands

I was astounded to find that I have been spelling "flow stone" incorrectly all 
these years.  And who authored the "Forged in Fire" photo montage of some 
unknown cave(s) somewhere in Hawaii at some unknown date. At least there were 
photo captions identifying the people, if not the cave, unlike most of the 
other articles.

I did enjoy the articles, and I appreciate the effort that the authors put 
forward for the enjoyment of us all. I hope you continue to submit articles in 
the future despite this issue.

Really, folks, I understand that you all wanted to get this issue out before 
TCR and were probably rushed, but "Damnnnnn !"  If the polished trappings and 
fancy layout are the reasons for the bargain basement editing, proofreading, 
and publication delays, let's consider going back to xerox copies with corner 
staples that are timely and actually appear to have been published by an 
organization that gave a hoot.

Jerry Atkinson.

-----Original Message-----
From: Ellie Falgout <ellie.tho...@gmail.com<mailto:ellie.tho...@gmail.com>>
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Sent: Fri, Oct 14, 2016 12:14 pm
Subject: Texas Caver Magazine Ready
TSA Members,
The long awaited Texas Caver Magazine is printed and also available online in 
the members areahttp://www.cavetexas.org/members/index.php. I am bringing the 
printed magazines to TCR tonight and will have them at the Friday Wine Tasting 
and from then on I will probably leave them at registration. The magazines will 
finally be available at the TSA members meeting on Sunday, October 16th at 9am. 
I will mail any magazines that remain after TCR.

Thanks to Jill for all your hard work on the magazine. Thanks to Linda Palit 
and Niki Lake for helping get the magazine ready from the printer.

Hope to see you at TCR!
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