Throughout the world the greatest problem facing mankind (other than 
overpopulation) is adherence to irrational beliefs. We’ve tried reason but 
people are unreasonable. We’ve tried education but people are too stooopid to 
lean anything that contradicts their beliefs. We’ve tried war but all that 
accomplishes is to increase the birthrate of the survivors. Since all else has 
failed; in my opinion, ridicule is the best response to the ridiculous. 




(Insert cartoon of the Prophet here)


From: Texascavers <> On Behalf Of
Sent: Saturday, March 31, 2018 12:03 AM
Subject: Re: [Texascavers] This day in speleo-history


It is a free country yes, true.  This caving forum never ceases to amaze me 
though.  I don’t understand why it seems so fun to make fun of other people’s 
beliefs on this -caving- forum.  To those who don’t believe, these sort of 
gests can be brushed off as mentioned below ‘lighten up’.  But to those who do, 
it is a deep seeded offense that can’t be brushed off.  The people on this 
email thread are you fellow cavers and friends.  I guess it is ok to offend and 
make fun of your friends?  


I know, I know. Lighten up its just a joke right?  I know that there are 
several cavers who agree that this is not a joking matter who just choose not 
to get in a flame war over email.  I have no intentions on getting in one 
either.  I just had to ask, one more time, again, for the basics elements of 
respect for your peers..


Anyways, this has been a trend for years and frankly, its something I don’t 
need filling my inbox and causing strife on Good Friday.  I’m out y’all, peace…







From: Texascavers < 
<> > On Behalf Of Michael Gibbons
Sent: Friday, March 30, 2018 9:40 PM
To: <> 
Subject: Re: [Texascavers] This day in speleo-history


It ain't religion boss. Haven't been to church in 40 plus years. Its a way of 

Sorry it makes you uncomfortable but it is no reason to chastise David.

For the record it's a free country.

I like David's weird ass outlooks. Face it we're all a half a bubble left of 
plumb. Lighten up a little did the rabbit crap in your Easter egg. 


On Fri, Mar 30, 2018, 9:24 PM JAMES JASEK < 
<> > wrote:

CaveTex is a cave related site not a place to discuss religion of politics


> On Mar 30, 2018, at 9:14 PM, Michael Gibbons < 
> <> > wrote:
> Too set the record straight,  Easter is a pagan event known as Eshtar. 
> Celebration of fertility and all things new that the Spring brings. It was an 
> orgy of decadence and debauchery.
> Many Christian events took the dates of pagan celebrations.
> It is Palm Sunday to the Christian which begins the celebration of the King 
> of man. Passover for His children who have His mark. The deceiver can not 
> harm those who believe upon Him. This speaks of the second death. The death 
> of the soul. Those who believe upon Me shall have everlasting life. This is 
> the promise and the power of Yeshua. He did not cheat death as many think . 
> The death of this body is of no concern, we who hold the Savior in our heart 
> and mind merely vacate this clay pot and return to our spiritual being as did 
> Christ.
> To be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord.
> He so loved His children that He gave His only begotten Son.
> The Passion.
> That is the meaning of this season.
> David, I'm kind of a different preacher. If that rendition of yours is a 
> stepping off point (as I interpreted) I will work with that.
> What I gleaned from your tale was a veiled query into the meaning of the Word.
> It's ok to believe dude, it's ok to tell the story how you understand it.
> It is in bad taste to make a parody of it but it ain't the unpardonable sin. 
> It ain't gonna get you gold trim on your linen gown but it ain't gonna keep 
> out of the here after either.
> On Mar 30, 2018 7:18 PM, "Nancy Weaver" < 
> <> > wrote:
> pretty amusing.  Nancy
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