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> On Mar 30, 2018, at 9:14 PM, Michael Gibbons <> wrote:
> Too set the record straight,  Easter is a pagan event known as Eshtar. 
> Celebration of fertility and all things new that the Spring brings. It was an 
> orgy of decadence and debauchery.
> Many Christian events took the dates of pagan celebrations.
> It is Palm Sunday to the Christian which begins the celebration of the King 
> of man. Passover for His children who have His mark. The deceiver can not 
> harm those who believe upon Him. This speaks of the second death. The death 
> of the soul. Those who believe upon Me shall have everlasting life. This is 
> the promise and the power of Yeshua. He did not cheat death as many think . 
> The death of this body is of no concern, we who hold the Savior in our heart 
> and mind merely vacate this clay pot and return to our spiritual being as did 
> Christ.
> To be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord.
> He so loved His children that He gave His only begotten Son.
> The Passion.
> That is the meaning of this season.
> David, I'm kind of a different preacher. If that rendition of yours is a 
> stepping off point (as I interpreted) I will work with that.
> What I gleaned from your tale was a veiled query into the meaning of the Word.
> It's ok to believe dude, it's ok to tell the story how you understand it.
> It is in bad taste to make a parody of it but it ain't the unpardonable sin. 
> It ain't gonna get you gold trim on your linen gown but it ain't gonna keep 
> out of the here after either.
> On Mar 30, 2018 7:18 PM, "Nancy Weaver" <> wrote:
> pretty amusing.  Nancy
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