Sanskrit blend is needed for you people who only read west and do not try
to know what we have. If you can learn French and German , learning a
language is not tough. Also what Carl Sagan had written today is a master
photo print of the ancient knowledge ,without which, people go aghast on
Carl Sagan, It is not depreciating the west. But without appreciation of
our parents , appreciating the neobor I opine as a crime. I write only like
that to say that there is nothing we do not have but we stubbornly refuse
to learn it but want the land to do a lot for those. If you feel otherwise
I am sorry but truth is bitter. People who cannot understand Arabiindo and
Dayananda and so many , I WONDER, how they so easily can follow sagan and
the rest?. I crave your pardon again but if you follow my thoughts, for
every western action I react to, our standards existed at least 10000 years
back. Kashmir files last 10 minutes of dialogue. Our texts are not
religious dust byr scientific way of life laid on a platter long long ago
which others may turn their neck, but not us. KR IRS 16522

On Mon, 16 May 2022 at 10:00, Markendeya Yeddanapudi <> wrote:

> Sir,
> Thank you very much.Can I request for very simple sentences without the
> Sanskrit blend
> On Mon, May 16, 2022 at 9:40 AM Rajaram Krishnamurthy <
>> wrote:
>> Pranam
>>          The adaptability of cost ,profit, Mathematics are all placed in
>> one flow ,aspiring from one angle, based on certain individual definitions.
>> Maths
>> Upapatti and "Proof"
>> In the introduction to the section on spherics (Golādhyāya) of his
>> treatise Siddhāntaśiromaõi, Bhāskarācārya II explains the central purpose
>> behind his exposition  of upapattis:
>> मद्यध्याम् धुसधाम् यदत्र गनिथम् छ योपपतिम्विन
>> प्रोउदेएम् प्रोउद सभसु नोउति गनको निस्सम्सयो निस्वयम्
>> गोले सा विमला करामलकवथ् प्रत्यसथो स्रुयते
>> समध्यम् युपपति बोध्यवितये गोलप्रबन्ध्योथ:
>> Without the knowledge of upapattis, by merely mastering the calculations
>> (gaõita)  described here, from the madhyamādhikāra (the first chapter of
>>  Siddhāntaśiromaõi) onwards, of the [motion of the] heavenly bodies, a
>>  mathematician will not be respected in the scholarly assemblies; without
>> the  upapattis he himself will not be free of doubt (niÜsa§śaya). Since
>> upapatti is  clearly perceivable in the (armillary) sphere like a berry in
>> the hand, I therefore  begin the Golādhyāya (section on spherics) to
>> explain the upapattis.
>> The same is echoed by the Gaõeśa Daivajña in his famous commentary
>> Buddhivilāsinī  (c.1540) on Bhāskarācārya’s Līlāvatī:
>>    Without upapatti, whatever is stated in vyakta-gaõita (mathematics
>> dealing with  manifest quantities – arithmetic and geometry) or
>> avyakta-gaõita (mathematics  dealing with un-manifest quantities –
>> algebra), will not be rendered free from confusion (nirbhrānta); nor will
>> it have any value in an assembly of mathematicians. Upapatti is indeed
>> directly and pleasantly perceivable like a mirror in hand. It is therefore,
>> as also for the elevation of the intellect, that I proceed to enunciate
>> upapattis in entirety. Thus, the notion of upapatti seems to be
>> significantly different from the notion of "proof" as understood in the
>> Greco-European tradition of mathematics. According to the Indian
>> mathematical texts, the purpose of upapatti is mainly: (i) to remove
>> confusion and doubts regarding the validity and interpretation of
>> mathematical results and procedures; and, (ii) to obtain assent in the
>> community of mathematicians. This is very different from the ideal of
>> "proof" in the Greco-European tradition which is to irrefutably establish
>> the absolute truth of a mathematical proposition. Further, in the Indian
>> tradition, mathematical knowledge is not taken to be different in any
>> fundamental sense from that in natural sciences. In fact, valid means
>> for acquiring and validating mathematical knowledge are the same as in
>> other sciences: Pratyakùa (perception), Anumāna (inference), Śabda or Agama
>> (authentic text or tradition).
>>          However, there are no instances where Indian mathematicians use
>> the method of indirect proof to establish the existence of an entity, the
>> existence of which is not demonstrable (even in principle) by other
>> (direct) means of verification. In this sense, the Indian mathematical
>> tradition may be seen as adopting what is nowadays referred to as the
>> "constructivist" approach to the issue of mathematical existence. It is
>> important to note that this significant feature of Indian mathematical
>> tradition is closely related to the world-view of the Naiyāyikas or Indian
>> logicians, who do not accord tarka (or the method of indirect proof) the
>> status of an independent source of valid knowledge (pramāõa). Indeed the
>> general philosophical approach of Indian logicians is one of eliminating
>> from logical discourse all reference to such aprasiddha or un-instantiated
>> entities, whose existence is not even in principle accessible to direct
>> means of verification. In fact, the Naiyāyikas would even reconcile to live
>> with contradictions rather than allow the use of such aprasiddha entities
>> in their logical discourse. This is brought out very clearly by Matilal
>> by citing an important passage from Ātmatattvaviveka of Udayanācārya (c.
>> 10th century) which deals with an argument between the Bauddhas and
>> MATHEMATICAL “0” AND “1”, IS NOTHING BUT ORIGIN OF siva and shakthi as 1
>> and 0. Mathematics can express all including the negative numbers. Brahmam
>> is one and the negative energy @ MAYA or PRAKRITHI OR SHAKTI is shunya.
>> 2     Cost reduction is the achievement of real and permanent reduction
>> in unit cost of prod­ucts manufactured. It therefore continuously attempts
>> to achieve genuine savings in cost of production, distribution, selling and
>> administration. It does not accept a standard or budget as impenetrable or
>> fixed, it rather challenges the standards or budgets continuously to make
>> improvements in them. “Cost reduction” is a continuous process of critical
>> cost examination, analysis and challenge of standards. In this each aspect
>> of businesses such as products, process, procedures, methods, organization,
>> personnel etc., are critically examined and reviewed with a view of
>> improving efficiency and effectiveness and reducing the costs. Cost
>> reduction begins where cost control ends. Cost control seeks to bring the
>> actuals in harmony with the predetermined targets. If this happens,
>> assuming no increase or decrease in costs, the profit margin becomes more
>> or less fixed at a particular level of sales. However, this is easier said
>> than done. In actual practice, prices may fluctuate. Alternatively, sales
>> may decline due to various reasons. In all these cases, the business must
>> aim at maximising profits at the same level of sales by reducing costs.
>> Cost reduction seeks to achieve a permanent reduction in cost, without
>> impairing the quality of the product. It is a planned way of improving the
>> efficiency of business operations.
>> 1    Cost reduction is confined to genuine savings in costs of
>> manufacture, administration, distribution and selling. ( has the limitation
>> subject to many factors external, which would not keep at the byoyancy
>> level, at the same standard cost. ).
>> 2  Reduction in cost to consumer as a result of reduction in taxation or
>> Government design or price agreements will not be covered by cost
>> reduction. These are not real and permanent reductions in cost due to
>> planned efforts. Cost reduction does not include windfall reduction or
>> fortuitous reduction.
>> 3 . Cost reduction assumes that product or service will retain its
>> essential characteristics and quality. If reduction in cost results in
>> deterioration of quality, it will not be covered by the term Cost Reduction.
>> 4 Cooperation and teamwork are essential features of any planned approach
>> to cost reduction. Direct saving of cost is the most tangible objective of
>> cost reduction, but it profoundly influences the wide sphere of business as
>> a whole.
>>           Therefore an utopian theory of conjecture is  at the far away
>> plane, unnoticeable. Maths would explain all scientifically; when I say
>> scientifically , it means , the negative numbers cannot have the square
>> root and one shall not demand the theory of the impossibility.  KR IRS 16522
>> On Mon, 16 May 2022 at 06:43, Yeddanapudi Markandeyulu <
>>> wrote:
>>> *The Ruin of the Profit Mania*
>>> Cost and Income are the two sides of a coin. When you pay for
>>> expenditure, to the payee it is income. If costs are reduced, incomes also
>>> get reduced. If every firm becomes the optimum firm, which means that it
>>> achieved the lowest cost for a unit of output, there will be no income at
>>> all in the economy and it will be the ultimate ruin called the great
>>> depression. If every firm makes profit, all together dive into the abyss.
>>> A loss making unit is one which is giving more to the society than what
>>> it is taking from the society. In fact the profit making firms are existing
>>> because; they are maintained by the loss sustaining units. A profit making
>>> unit gives less than what it takes and the loss making unit, gives more
>>> than what it takes from the society.
>>> This vital service, which keeps economies safe or save the economy from
>>> death, is being performed by the Public Sector Undertakings in India. If
>>> all public sector undertakings are to be gifted to the private merchants,
>>> and if they begin cutting costs or reduce the income generation in the
>>> society, there will be the ultimate economic depression, the big ruin.
>>> An economy of 140 crore people needs the vital avenue where loss
>>> generation or the income generation in the society, is maintained. Loss
>>> simply means incomes given without the equal return.
>>> There is a very big minus side to the cost reduction, ruin of nature. A
>>> profit making unit, poisons the land, water, air, and kills the flora and
>>> fauna, or simply shifts to the society and nature the costs which it has to
>>> pay. When nature is murdered so systematically and completely, we also die
>>> gradually. All profit making units together ultimately murder nature.
>>> The Basmasuras of today, sport big academic qualifications surround
>>> themselves with intellectual statements emitting sycophants, posing as the
>>> great Dons, leaving no scope for simple sanity. The Dons obfuscate with
>>> very complicated but really irrelevant mathematics, but they look technical
>>> and superior.
>>> There is one undeniable fact. You can explain everything with sentences
>>> but you cannot represent everything with mathematics. Mathematics always
>>> leaves with incomplete explanations. No single emotion or feeling can be
>>> quantified.
>>> YM
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> *Mar*

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