Juan and others
So I think we generally agree that an improved interface would be nice to
And our experience to date is that it is unlikely to happen anytime soon.

>However, the windows presented at F1 (text editor) and F3 (compiler)
require the new user 
>1: to learn / understand writing a language - the commands and parameters -
from scratch. 
>2: to learn / understand in which screen each command / parameters and
definitions and extra code should go.

>The new user is expecting to get hands-on with drawing up within a few
minutes, not having to copy/paste and write code before getting any sensible
>The GUI for the F3 screen could, for example, present the user with
drop-down boxes for setting up all the required outputs and customising
layout etc etc.

I have never expected or achieved this (as a new user) with any cave
centerline application let alone a drawing application, so Therion is not
alone in this, but I would agree it requires more determination than most.
Obtaining outputs with your own data in a few minutes is however a
reasonable expectation to aspire to.  We could do better with sample
datasets, the existing ones demonstrate a variety of features but they are
not documented usefully, so most people will miss the significance or
reasons for what is being demonstrated.  It would be rash of me to offer to
document them, but perhaps one distant day.

>There are currently more than 3600 entrances (including many digs) and more
than 325km of passage. Most surveys are now drawn up in Corel Draw, some in
Inkscape, and Footleg is >producing a 54km cave network survey in Tunnel.]

>Anything to encourage cavers to produce a final output, ie a friendly front
end to Therion, would be superb.

I see your problem now I think, as I have perhaps a similar (but much
smaller) headache with a ~30km (so far) project with a few dozen caves and
entrances covering 60km2. My issue with Therion is more of a documentation
and organizational guidance problem.  In the absence of a super-interface it
seems that good guidance and templates for organizing data would be the next
best thing, and could even inform the design brief for a future interface.
I see the current Therion as experimental and perhaps half way towards
having a well developed and complete feature set, so again, a
super-interface is competing for developers time against developing and
fixing some core functionality that is especially needed for larger

While there is a lot of good information in the wiki, much of it is not
"what you need to know, when and where you need it." I have started putting
some of my ideas in the wiki, but they are a long way off being useful or
complete as far as organization goes. And I still do not have good feel for
how to manage multiple output options for multiple caves in a modest system,
let alone anything over say 20km.  I know a lot of you people are dealing
with much larger systems and so probably have a better grasp on it than I,
even if you are not exclusively using Therion.  Still, perhaps I will get
around to making an effort adding some more thoughts and samples on
organization to the wiki, in the hope that someone will point out where I am
making it too complicated for myself.

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