On 16.3.2012, at 20:57, Carl Magnuson wrote:

> being able to access and modify the data in more advanced ways then  
> simply editing text files

Hi Carl,

it is your way how to use therion. But there are many others they need  
something else. Not "such complicated" as SQL and so on. There were  
many projects in history to put all data about caves, cave systems,  
karst areas to a database. But as I know, no one is widely used. And  
no one is really universal. Everywhere and everytime one find  
exception from primary analyse and what to do? Change structure of all  
databases filled with data with new version?

I think if data will be in plain text format as simple as possible  
such data are very easy to interprete and to generate. And to edit  
too. Not for hundreds of files of course.

Is your project presented somewhere on net?


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