On Jun 5, 12:17 am, rtimwest <rtimw...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Not sure what the implications are for the NET site you were working
> on.

There are no implications as far as as I am concerned.  Their web site
states clearly that their concern is with any commercialization of
their  'idea' otherwise you are free to use it.


"If you wish to incorporate New Earth Time within a product for sale
or distribution, or otherwise commercialise it, you must have our

I have no intention of trying to make money from it and if someone
tries to force money on me I will refuse it:-)

> Accordingly, the prototype program NETTimePlugin has been removed from
> my accessible sites, even in it's pre-release form, even though it was
> not linked to, to prevent any possibility of "distribution".

That is silly.  The 'distribution' mentioned in their web site
statement was not separated from the idea of commercialization. That
concept is further reinforced by 'or otherwise commercialise it'  They
are at all times talking about financial gain to their detriment, not
distribution that causes them no harm.

I do not see any conflict between TiddlyWiki's license, Creative
Commons or any other license, since that license does not necessarily
flow through to any information that is considered content within a
TiddlyWiki, unless you state as such.

You may give as much freedom or restriction for use of any information
in a TiddlyWiki as you choose; including NET's copyright holding and
warning without fear or favor.

As far as contacting the copyright holders it could have been
predicted that you would never get a definitive answer from them.  I
don't know what the point was unless your intention was to
commercialize the plugin or 'otherwise' make money from it. You've
created unnecessary vagueness and uncertainty over something that was
quite clear.

At any rate the onus would fall upon those who actually achieved the
monetary gain; not you who wrote the plugin, nor me who uses it and/or
distributes it but only those who benefit financially from it.

I intend to use the plugin.  There are already hundreds of copies of
my multitude of web sites already floating around in cyberspace using
it :-)


On Jun 5, 12:17 am, rtimwest <rtimw...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Morris,
> > Please don't merge my part without a trace I want it as a stand alone...
> > NET is a single time on its own to the exclusion of all others.
> Looks like you're going to get your wish in that respect, at least.
> I contacted the folks at New Earth Time through their web page about
> the apparent conflict between the GPL(s), Creative Commons License,
> and their copyright notice that states that explicit permission must
> be obtained in order to "distribute" or use NET commercially. AFAIK,
> the Creative Commons License allows commercial use, and the GPL does,
> but with stipulations intended to ENSURE free distribution, not
> restrict it.
> I received a short but polite response from Mark Laugesen, who has
> "New Earth Time, Canberra" in his e-mail sig. He expressed some
> interest in TiddlyWiki, and also expressed regret at the situation,
> but made no concrete offers or promises to change anything.
> I'm not all all certain that they could make this stick- it seems to
> me unlikely that dividing the day into 360 units is the sort of thing
> that can be protected by copyright, although they can probably at
> least do that with the name. The CONCEPT would only be patentable (in
> theory) if there were no prior examples... but IANAL, and have no
> vested interest in contesting their claims or promoting their idea
> against their wishes.
> Accordingly, the prototype program NETTimePlugin has been removed from
> my accessible sites, even in it's pre-release form, even though it was
> not linked to, to prevent any possibility of "distribution".
> Not sure what the implications are for the NET site you were working
> on.
> Tim
> On May 24, 6:08 pm, Morris Gray <msg...@symbex.net.au> wrote:
> > Hi Tim,
> > I can't seem to find what thread I read that sent me to your site
> > maybe I dreamed it.  This will have to do.
> > Wow I've just checked it out.  Great work!
> > I've downloaded it and was amazed. Exactly what I wanted, a running
> > clock and a journal time stamp.  I've been waiting since 220° 32' 24-
> > Oct1999 to see that.
> > Please don't merge my part without a trace I want it as a stand alone
> > and I have another unique idea for you when you get the present
> > project done.  I'v e got a couple of other derivative uses for it.
> > NET is a single time on its own to the exclusion of all others.  I
> > want to use it to gather a following, to communicate using it and
> > bring up our children in our own time :-)
> > One question with the <with:> call sometimes it has a place to put
> > text or label like this. <<tiddler CloseThisOpen with:
> > FormattingThePage  '« back' >>.I'd like to put a prefix or suffix or
> > link on the same level as the clock. Can that be done?
> > Morris
> > Co-signed by 50% of members of the Odd Times Society
> > On May 24, 11:16 pm, rtimwest <rtimw...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > Bare bones/pre-Alpha "New Earth Time" version of plugin done, works in
> > > DigitalClock for real-time, works in journal entries, currently but
> > > temporarily running on my site.
> > > I'll incorporate this functionality in the final version, but I'm
> > > shifting my attention to that now unless there are serious bugs in
> > > this temporary code.
> > > This uses the new [UTC] [/UTC] delimiter for UTC date/time strings (in
> > > addition to local, of course). Next step is probably to blend the
> > > Swatch Internet Time and New Earth Time specific code into one
> > > program, then add the "delta" to the UTC delimiter for [UTC+5], etc.
> > > (at which point the syntax will work for Biel/Internet Time as well)..
> > > then [LOCAL-5] (to help cope with DST) etc...
> > > At this point, that's the end of the plans for this, we'll see if
> > > there's a THIRD person on the planet interested. ;-)
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