Bare bones/pre-Alpha "New Earth Time" version of plugin done, works in
DigitalClock for real-time, works in journal entries, currently but
temporarily running on my site.

I'll incorporate this functionality in the final version, but I'm
shifting my attention to that now unless there are serious bugs in
this temporary code.

This uses the new [UTC] [/UTC] delimiter for UTC date/time strings (in
addition to local, of course). Next step is probably to blend the
Swatch Internet Time and New Earth Time specific code into one
program, then add the "delta" to the UTC delimiter for [UTC+5], etc.
(at which point the syntax will work for Biel/Internet Time as well)..
then [LOCAL-5] (to help cope with DST) etc...

At this point, that's the end of the plans for this, we'll see if
there's a THIRD person on the planet interested. ;-)

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