BRILLIANT plugin, I love it! I've been wanting something like this since I 
started using TiddlyWiki! Beautifully well done! (Great, useful work and 
also I think its visually beautiful with its simplicity) Hats off to you, 
Souk21 and thank you, for this gift!.

I don't think it should immediately populate with a question mark to 
automatically reveal help, after seeiing the welcome tiddler in the demo 
and seeing that typing ? reveals help the list of history is much more 
useful. Maybe it could be an optional checkbox to have ? typed immediately.

after I upgraded to the new version I started to get the following error 
when I search for tags (using the @ prefix)

"Internal JavaScript Error
Well, this is embarrassing. It is recommended that you restart TiddlyWiki 
by refreshing your browser
Uncaught ReferenceError: tagTiddlerExists is not defined"

the same error can be replicated on the example page but it only shows up 
after typing an existing tag into the search.

Thank you again, amazing plugin!

On Saturday, June 13, 2020 at 5:34:58 PM UTC+2, TiddlyTweeter wrote:
> Ciao Souk
> One serious suggestion ...
> On *Ctrl+P* immediately populate with "*?*". 
> Using it just having the bare list isn't any advantage over StoryRiver. 
> Only with "?" do the real teeth show :-).
> A thought ...
> TT 
> On Saturday, 13 June 2020 15:49:33 UTC+2, Souk21 wrote:
>> New version 0.0.2 is up!
>> Changelog:
>> Added “Show Control Panel” command
>> Fixed bug with shadow tiddlers search / results / history
>> Fixed z-index bug
>> Published roadmap (copied below) 
>> <>
>> I did some research about 'insert mode' that @TW Tones was mentioning. I 
>> got it to work on the title input field, but not on the text input field. I 
>> think this is due to the way TiddlyWiki handles refreshing the DOM. We 
>> would need to edit the underlying tiddler to reflect the change in the text 
>> fields, so it's not gonna be an easy one.
>> An way easier alternative I could propose would be a 'copy result to 
>> clipboard' keyboard shortcut.
>> @Reet Pandher I tried resolving the save wiki bug, but I'm out of luck. 
>> I'm gonna ask over TiddlyWikiDev.
>> About the z-index, I set it to something like 99999 I don't think this is 
>> good practice. If anyone has a better idea :)
>> @Diego Mesa @Eskha I'm really glad you like it :)
>> Roadmap 
>>    - Modularize (Core plugin contains only basic commands (or none?) 
>>    sub-plugins add different types of commands)
>>    - Create commands for all features from 'Tools' tab (import,...)
>>    - Profiles (Different search order, hide/show commands/modules, 
>>    switchable with command/shorcut)
>>    - Theming
>>    - Server module (messaging server, tiddlywiki node.js commands)
>>    - Pipe/chain commands, BulkActions (Apply a command to a filter 
>>    operation, e.g add field for all tiddler tagged with)
>> <>
>> Ideas: 
>>    - Filter operation history (with tiddler history? or when input is [ 
>>    ?)
>>    - Context in results ?
>>    - Highlight match in results ?
>>    - X button at the right of opened tiddlers ?
>>    - Show shortcuts of commands ?
>>    - Show nb of occurrences when searching tags
>>    - Insert result in previously focused element
>>    - Search/list content-type
>>    - Search in page?
>>    - Show colors in filter results
>>    - Show backlinks/freelinks
>>    - Open multiple tiddlers with right arrow ?
>>    - Open tiddler in edit mode?

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