On Monday, June 15, 2020 at 11:51:57 AM UTC+2, Adam S. wrote:
> Thank you for the quick fix and the update! Great work!
> Nice feature to have selections auto-populate the search field!
> I have an idea that might increase usability or speed of operation: how 
> about, after entering commands, having shortcuts for them? Like 1 for save, 
> 2 for close all tiddlers etc. this would be configurable (or not) and the 
> list would contain small little numbers on the right side (like the hints 
> that are already there at other parts) to know which one is what number. If 
> it's possible it'd be neat if there would be no need for hitting enter 
> either, typing one would select save wiki and execute the command as well. 
> Users who use the command palette would learn these (or configure them) and 
> operate with it much faster. ctrl+shift+p, 1, and the wiki is saved (or any 
> other command) as opposed to ctrl+shift+p, sa, down arrow, enter (or 
> ctrl+shift+p, save w, enter, doesn't matter, the number solution is faster 
> either way)
> Sadly I have no clue how this could be (or even if it could be) 
> implemented, but maybe you'll find it an interesting idea!
> Regarding the welcome tiddler: I think this works, but I didn't have a 
> problem with the previous one either.
> I see theming on your roadmap, if you mean creating visual styles for it, 
> I wonder if it could be at least partially sidestepped by having the colors 
> conform to the tiddlywiki palette (color palette). This would be helpful 
> for folks (like me) who use two themes, a light one during the day and a 
> dark one after the sun went down. I tried to edit the css of the plugin but 
> writing <<colour background>> and other tiddlywiki colors didn't work.
> In the meantime I made a dark version with the included css that works 
> better with dark themes.
> (I also attached a simple scrollbar css that I've been using because the 
> scrollbar defaults to a bright scrollbar for me everywhere.)

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