Hi everyone. I've been away on an impromptu leave the last week, apologies 
for the late reply. 

I am very grateful to everyone that provided feedback or even just taken 
the time to acknowledge that they use Streams. Thank you Keelan, Zhang, 
Stan, Steph and everyone else.

*@keelan* It is very good to hear that you are still finding Streams to be 
of value. I thought of you a few weeks ago actually as yours was a workflow 
and use case that really stood out to me, and I wasn't sure if you had 
stuck with or turned to other tools. It is interesting how this works in 
terms of feedback and involvement. From a user's perspective, if you find a 
good tool you just want to use it and be productive rather than focus 
overmuch on talking about the tool. However, for a very small software 
project like this, occasional user feedback or even just holding your hand 
up to acknowledge that you are still using it goes a very long way. So 
thank you for taking the time to chime in here.

*On flattening and export:*
In terms of export formats, the issue is that everyone's content and use 
case is different which makes it difficult to come up with universal 
solutions. One of the approaches here that could be interesting is if 
everyone gave an actual real world example of what their content in Streams 
is like, and what an ideal exported version in a single tiddler in 
TiddlyWiki would look like. It might mean crafting that single consolidated 
tiddler by hand to serve as an example. This might help generalize and come 
up with a flexible solution.

Note also that for some users, such as @si, it is a valid use case to not 
want to consolidate all your nodes but keep them as separate tiddlers.

I think the focus on markdown in this discussion is misplaced as it isn't 
the primary barrier to exports from Streams. It really is two steps. a) 
consolidating your individual nodes into a single tiddler as wikitext, and 
b) then converting it to another format (HTML, markdown, etc.) Figuring out 
the first step is necessary before looking at what comes after.

*Use cases:*
We now have descriptions of a few different workflows with Streams. One of 
the things that would be very helpful if we gathered this information and 
added it to the documentation. This could be the first step towards 
facilitating sharing of tweaks and settings etc that are being used in 
those workflows. Any assistance with this would be very welcome.

*Questionnaire, plugin updates and what comes next:*
I will likely post a questionnaire in the next week or two. A rather 
preliminary one to get an idea of how many people use Streams and recruit 
volunteers for testing new ideas and features.

My policy moving forwards is going to be to make small incremental plugin 
updates whenever I get the chance. Rather than spamming the group with 
announcements, I will provide a simple opt-in plugin updates mechanism 
until we have something in the core that serves the same purpose. 
See https://groups.google.com/g/tiddlywiki/c/5eewU5jOUlc

Group announcements of new updates will only be made if there is a breaking 
change, or a critical bug discovered.

I am tracking ideas for further development at github: 
*Constructive and relevant* input is always welcome.

Apart from the plugin update notifications, there are two other features 
that I have prototyped and would like to find time to flesh out:
i) visual feedback for swiping on nodes (mobile): 

ii) a mechanism to easily see Streams keyboard shortcuts. In the video, the 
overlay is triggered by holding ctrl+space for 2s, and automatically closes 
when you let go of the keys: 


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