1) What are your favorite features of TiddlyWiki – Classic?

I can't really answer this since it's really the whole thing that makes it 
worth wild.

2) What plug-ins (if any) do you consider essential for TiddlyWiki – 

This is going to be a long list but because of what I wanted when I went 
into TiddlyWiki I find each and everyone of these 100% critical and had 
they not existed I would have more than likely abandoned the idea of using 

- CalendarPlugin
- CheckboxPlugin
- CookiePlugin + CookieJar
- DataDbPlugin+DataListPlugin+DataTiddlerPlugin
- DiscussionPlugin
- EditSectionPlugin
- FieldsEditorPlugin 
- ForEachTiddlerPlugin
- GotoPlugin
- HTMLFormattingPlugin
- InlineJavascriptPlugin 
- IntelliTaggerPlugin 
- PreviewPlugin
- QuickEditPlugin
- RelatedTiddlersPlugin
- RevisionsPlugin
- SearchOptionsPlugin
- SectionLinksPlugin
- ShowPopup
- StickyPopupPlugin
- SyntaxHighlighterPlugi
- TableOfContentsPlugin
- TagCloudPlugin
- TaggedTemplateTweak
- TagsTreePlugin
- TiddlerTweakerPlugin
- TiddlersBarPlugin
- TreeviewPlugin - Modded by Tobibeer & Arc 
- UndoPlugin
- WhatLinksHerePlugin
- WordCountMacro

2.5) What plug-ins (if any) would you rather not be without?

- BreadcrumbsPlugin
- CommentPlugin
- CustomTitlePlugin
- GridPlugin
- NestedSlidersPlugin
- TaskTimerPlugin

3) Can you give a brief example of how you use TiddlyWiki – Classic?

As a replacement for many desktop applications: Texteditor, IDE, 
Writing management/outliner, & Personal Database/Note storage.

4) What software (if any) did you try before deciding on TiddlyWiki – 
Classic and if possible can you give a brief summery of why you chose to 
use TiddlyWiki – Classic over them?

- Cherrytree
- Mars Notebook
- MyLifeOrganized
- RedNotebook
- The Guide
- WikidPad
- ...etc
I loved the idea of wiki notebooks but as an artist I can't stand using 
plain boring set-in-stone systems, I wanted a text edtior, 
notebook/wikibook, and effectively digital writing work space that was my 
style. None of the wiki notebook programs offered anything like that and 
server soultion wikis... I deal with servers to much as is I just wanted an 
offline program! Which is when I found TiddlyWiki it took a lot of work but 
now I have it setup to have every single feature I wanted in the other wiki 
notebook programs but completely stylized to my liking. 

5) What have you been unable to do with TiddlyWiki – Classic that you 
really wished you could?

- Replace my Speedsheet program
- Drag & Drop to open local text files as Tiddlers.
- Get line numbers without using some crazy javascript library that remakes 
the text area in the DOM and really slows down when you hit 100,000 word 
tiddlers. (Not TW fault I blame the W3C and Mozilla!)

6) If you could change anything about TiddlyWiki – Classic what would it be?

- Organize plugin database (TiddlyTools is nice but there are lots of 
hidden gems scattered everywhere.)
- The ability to work on the same document in different browser tabs and 
save changes in all of them. (TiddlersBarPlugin but it would be much nicer 
if I could just use the built in tab bar in the browser, it would also make 
it nicer for keeping positions in different tabs.)

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