Hi Alberto, 

>    - *Types: *The relations are not only between tiddlers but also and 
>    first about *types* of tiddlers: for instance, publications are 
>    related to authors. Thus, we need a way to define types (since we can't 
> use 
>    the field type). And a same tiddler can belong to different types (an 
>    author is also a person, a note can also be a comment). 
> Yes, I was thinking the same about "related notes"... they're not only 
tiddlers, but they're really notes themselves in the sense that other notes 
can relate to them in the same context as semantic "children", i.e. 
pointing to them. In my case that means that they can not only show up in 
the left column but very much so, also in the right in case they are 
directly listed as notes to the context rather than just as related notes 
to a context-note, if that was understandably put.

>    - My solution in MagicTabs is to use system tags with the prefix 
>    *$:/type/* like* $:/type/author, $:/type/book, $:/type/note*, etc.
>    - That way, it is easier to differentiate them from regular tags.
>       - I can hide them from view mode (with a custom ViewTemplate/tags)
>       - I can apply a different ViewTemplate for each tiddler type.
> That is a bery useful pattern, I might just use the same for what now is 
called YoutubeSomething and will soon be MediaPlugin...


...so as to not only be able to declare and relate annotations (and who 
knows what) to (embedded) media references, but also to provide hooks for 
extensions that provide an adaptor to yet another media type, e.g. vimeo, 
mp3, ogg, site foo... think of it as a special "plugin-extension" called 
...i don't know... emoji's for your bottom tabs... which would show some 
ridiculous image... anyhow, the point being, the extension encapsulates and 
formalizes its own content, but hooks into your magic-tabs or "my" 
cornellish notes architecture to show up like any other of your "tabs" or 
of my "related contents".

>    - *Fields: *The semantic relations must be meaningful but general 
>    enough to be applied to different types of tiddlers.
>    - So far, in MagicTabs, I use the following generic relations:
>          - *authors*: this is a list field since a book or a paper, a 
>          song or a recipe, a plugin or a monument, can have several authors. 
>          - *about*: a note, a comment, a quote, a book, etc., is *about* 
>          something, it talks *about* something which can be (or not) 
>          another tiddler. This is also a list field since a note can talk 
> about 
>          different things.
>          - *source*: the source of a quote is a publication, the source 
>          of an image can be a webpage, the source of a character can be a 
> novel, etc.
>          - *parent*: this field is to create a generic hierarchy or 
>          categorization different from authors and source. This is a list 
> field.
> Thanks you so much for the details, I was hoping that one day I'd 
understand the distinctions. ^^

>    - But specific relations can be necessary:
>    - *ingredients*: for cooking recipes
>       - *courses*: for students and teachers, resources, lessons.
> Indeed... thinking of this cornell thing... ingredients could be listed 
alongside a step in the preparation process as links to further information 
...about "artichokes"... also makes me think that for a related not I might 
want to see more than a title, e.g. a related quantity... when it comes to 

As for the note for step X, one thing would be to establish the semantic 
relationship: "ingedient=artichoke" and the other would be... 
"quantity:3"... for this step in the process.

One might also wish to see a list of all "ingredients" to a "recipe"... the 
recipe being the note-context... so not just to the preparation step. Or, 
well, all open questions, notes, comments, references, foo bar baz... to a 
context... being a tiddler.

>    - *Lists:* Besides types and fields, we need to show the related 
>    tiddlers through lists. And we need a mechanism to *relate lists to 
>    types*. 
>    - This is where I use the *bottom tabs*, which is a solution among 
>       others. And the mechanism used by MagicTabs is similar to the 
>       $:/tags/foo used by the core:
>       - Any tiddler tiddler tagged *$:/tabs/foo* will be displayed as a 
>          bottom tab in all tiddlers tagged *$:/type/foo*. 
>          - For instance, if we have tiddlers tagged *$:/type/ingredient*, 
>          we can create a tab showing a list of recipes using those 
> ingredients with 
>          a tiddler tagged *$:/tabs/ingredient* and the corresponding list 
>          filter.
> Yes, I was thinking you'd do that and it makes total sense. In my case, it 
would be a template that defines a line-item rather than a full-blown tab.

>    - *Customization:* We have to separate contents (like filters in tabs) 
>    and the way they are displayed. If this is done properly, then the same 
>    semantic relations can be shown as bottom tabs, left-column contents 
>    (Cornell), or any other way, applying a theme or another.
> Precisely the point I was trying to bring to your attention.

> To me it feels like I want to dive into your code a little more before 
>> setting out to implement that "cornell stuff".
> The core of MagicTabs, if you want to understand how it works, is:
>    - $:/plugins/amp/MagicTabs/ViewTemplate/TabsBar 
> <http://wikiphilo.tiddlyspot.com/#%24%3A%2Fplugins%2Famp%2FMagicTabs%2FViewTemplate%2FTabsBar>
>    - $:/plugins/amp/MagicTabs/macros/tabContents 
> <http://wikiphilo.tiddlyspot.com/#%24%3A%2Fplugins%2Famp%2FMagicTabs%2Fmacros%2FtabContents>
>    - $:/plugins/amp/MagicTabs/macros/tabCaption 
> <http://wikiphilo.tiddlyspot.com/#%24%3A%2Fplugins%2Famp%2FMagicTabs%2Fmacros%2FtabCaption>
>    - $:/plugins/amp/MagicTabs/macros/inputSlider 
> <http://wikiphilo.tiddlyspot.com/#%24%3A%2Fplugins%2Famp%2FMagicTabs%2Fmacros%2FinputSlider>
> I will indeed take a very close look. Thanks for all the detailed 
feedback. You have provided some very inspirational and solid foundation in 
your implementation... a fool not to establish a symbiotic relationship 
with such fruitful knowledge-management-capacity.

Best wishes, Tobias.

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