@Miroslav Kalous
Hi Miroslav (your name seems to have roots in Czechia). Thank you for 
sharing your workflow, problems and expectations. Please have a look at the 
next few lines and let me know how you feel about my proposal. I think it 
may help you as well.

Thank you Tony for your detailed description. We are probably trying to 
achieve similar classification. Since both you and me have different needs 
we are using different terms. But the logic behind seems to be comparable. 
Do I understand you correctly that we can use other tiddler fields (beside 
the tags) to create the classification, too? Can I expect the same behavior 
from those extra fields as what the tags offer now (by using GenTags)? 
Please have a look below, too.


I'm no coder so bear with me. This is my first mockup attempt ever: no code 
behind (just some pictures). I would like to apply for your help to bring 
something like this to life. @Jed Carty has something similar /see his 
comment above/: 

1) Few notes to start with

   - I was trying to *reuse *most of the components that already exist.
   - From what I know the tags are organized into *tree structure *where 
   just one parent is allowed. There is a root (/) from where the tree 
   - For reference please open the "*Advanced search*" tiddler by clicking 
   on the "magnifying glass" icon (see right-side panel). 
2) New search tab called "Facets"
All the features are packed within one new tab called "*Facets*" to keep 
itsimple. Most of the functions come from the existing "Filter" tab. On the 
right side of the tiddler you can find *Related tags* tree (expandable) - 
similar to this one 
After you open the tab for the first time (no user input yet) the tree 
lists all the user-defined tags that exists in the Wiki. By clicking on the 
right arrow you can *explore the tree* as deep as you wish.


2) Narrowing the context by using the tree
*Clicking on the item* within the tree it pushes the *tag into the input 
field* on the right. There is a slight difference on the rendering of tag 
pills: they show the *full path to the root* (I chose the right slash "/" 
as delimiter - more on this later). After the tag has been successfully 
added the *filter is automatically applied*: 

   - The area below the input field *gets populated with filtered tiddlers*. 
   Below each output line there is a *list of tags* that are applied on the 
   tiddler (smaller version of the pills). 
   - The list consists of tiddlers that were found *on the selected tag and 
   all child tags* at the same time (a recursive search). There is a *logical 
   AND* between the tags in the filter.
   - Tags tree on the right shrinks down to show just a portion of its 
   initial structure: the *tree lists tags* that can be found *only on 
   filtered tiddlers* (unique items, indeed)

Please have a look on the second slide: 

Say I want to show all tiddlers tagged with "Software". I go into the tree 
and click on the tag "Software". A new pill "/it/software" appears on the 
input field. Below I can see filtered tiddlers. The tree on the right 
changed the structure to reflect the filter, too. Similarly I added another 
tag "/art/ to the filter. 

3) Changing the context by using input field
The input field allows for direct input, too. This allow for:

   - *Adding *new tag to the list
After typing first two letters into the input field a *modal *appears. This 
modal performs a *full-text search within tags* and shows a *list of tags* 
to choose from. I decided for more flexibility here to allow for any tags 
(not just those that are relevant to the actual filter applied). If 
choosing a "non-relevant" tag from the list you may end with "No tiddlers 
found". But it is OK since you can remove or edit the other tags in the 
filter easily (see next bullet points)

   - *Removing *tag from the list

Each tag pill in the input field has a little *cross symbol* attached which 
the tag from the filter*. 

   - *Editing *tag in the list

You can also *use your keyboard *within the input field (backspace or 
delete keys, letters, right/slash symbol) to *directly modify listed tags*. 
After the cursor enters certain tag pill it *changes into plain-text* so 
you can edit (remove) it freely. While editing a *modal appears* to offer a 
list by full-text search (similarly to adding new tag).


4) Adding tags from the filtered list of tiddlers
 Another way how to add the tag to the filter is by *clicking on tags 
listed below each output line*. Since the tree on the right lists only 
unique items it may be more natural to use the tree but we may leave this 
option open, too.

Thank you for comments. 

PS: I hope that clicking on the image shows larger version... didn't use 
google groups with pictures before.


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