On Friday, September 18, 2020 at 3:20:37 AM UTC+2, TonyM wrote:

> View on top of V4.1
>    - I think you could delegate the historical methods to a link rather 
>    than have them complicate the documentation from the beginning. How to 
>    style a Paragraph 
> <https://wikilabs.github.io/editions/tick-text/#How%20to%20style%20a%20Paragraph>
>     Misusing standard wikitext to indent a paragraph 
> <https://wikilabs.github.io/editions/tick-text/#Misusing%20standard%20wikitext%20to%20indent%20a%20paragraph>
>    . 
> That will be a ToDo, since we will need to improve the TW doc quite a bit, 
so we can link to it. The existing docs 
for specific styling imo needs some love

>    - Will there be some smart defaults for each special Characters out of 
>    the box, so unless they are inadequate they serve a purpose right away?
>       - angel is already somewhat defined
> Yea, I thought, that angel is the only one, that has active toolbar 
buttons, if you install the plugin. So it can be used "out of the box". 
Mainly to modify paragraph styling. 

All the other toolbar buttons can be enabled using the ControlPanel and the 
Plugin Settings / Plugin Readme page.

>    - 
>       - If so a list of special Characters and their default 
>       functionality up front and an explanation of the buttons would be 
> enough to 
>       get started. Including the name used in the customise pragma eg degree, 
>       perhaps the official character names would also help some.
> https://wikilabs.github.io/editions/tick-text/#Custom%20Markup%20Definition 
has the names.

But the "special" chars do nothing visual "out of the box" other than 
covering 1 line of text into a "div" with no styling. Similar to » which 
starts to create a difference, if you use 2 of them »» .. 

>    - Perhaps for shortcuts you could suggest in the doco the user may 
>    select alternatives that map to a similar character on their keyboard 
>    layout eg alt-' for tick alt-. for its shift > value for angle etc...
> I think editor keyboard shortcuts need a button, per shortcut. ... Is 
there some info at tiddlywiki.com how to create buttons and shortcuts. .. 
I'm not keen to create it. 

>    - "markup for advanced users", yet to be written could be "use 
>    focused" (initially) rather than technically the current solution eg
>    - Introducing html tags into you own markup
>       - Using classes to rapidly style your content with css
>       - Using the end string or \n or \n\n to terminate your custom markup
>       - It may also provide one or more "libraries" of css that can be 
>       activated. In future you could add effective ones, developed in the 
>       community (like mine :)
>          - When ever a solution enables the accumulation of techniques 
>          and methods it improves over time.
>       - Perhaps in 
> https://wikilabs.github.io/editions/tick-text/#Custom%20Markup%20Definition 
>    explain why the parameters begin with an underscore, this helps 
>    understanding and remembering the fact.
> OK will go to ToDos

> *Wiki text integrations*
> By the way, this is so cool, and possibly replaces the need for custom 
> macros in many cases. meaning once you know how to use is not need to write 
> the macro solution when you can use a custom wikitext marker
>    - This area will take sometime to explore; here is a quick test of 
>    mine, how would we go about forcing a line feed or using a template?
> \customize tick="listtagging" _element="$list"  filter=
> "[tag<currentTiddler>]" 
> ´listtagging
> \customize tick="listtagging" _element="$list"  filter=
> "[tag<currentTiddler>]" template="$:/core/ui/ListItemTemplate2"
> ´listtagging
> This works with a break after the link widget in the template
> \customize tick="listprefixed" _element="$list"  filter=
> "[all[]prefix<currentTiddler>]" template="$:/core/ui/ListItemTemplate2"
> ´listprefixed
Yea, that's really cool. .. I want to have the copy-to-clipboard widget, 
that can be customized. ... the existing solution is a TW docs-macro. .. 
And we can't call macros. .. So I'll create a new widget. .. Not sure, if 
Jeremy will merge it. 

> Questions
>    - Do you want a continued search for appropriate uni-code characters 
>    or are you happy with the available ones?
> I would be happy to get new ones. .. At the moment I'm happy with the 
existing situation. We have 4 + 2. 4 that stop at \n and 2 that use \n\n

We will see, how the community reacts. It's basically a "keyboard layout" 
problem. I think only 1 character has to work, to use the full potential. 

>    - As in the examples above *Wiki text integrations* how do I make 
>    these useful options global?
>       - I am confident I will want to push examples like ´listprefixed into 
>       view templates and macros so I must test these. Do you foresee any 
> problems?
> At the moment I personally would _not_ use this in TW ViewTemplate or 
tiddlers tagged with $:/tags/ViewTemplate .. it's too dangerous to "brick" 
the system. 

At the moment the only way to influence the parser is \importcustom per 
tiddler and per macro. BE AWARE

\define x()
\importcustom [[pragma-details]]
°d °s Details - Summay
line 1
line 2


Pragma definitions have to be imported on a per macro basis. BUT you can 
use [tag[xxxx]] to import several of them. 

BUT this will slow down templates. ... I'm not sure if I would use it that 
way. .. The parsing results are cached on a per tiddler basis by TW core. 
.. BUT I'm not sure if this will be used here. 

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