On Monday, September 21, 2020 at 10:54:48 AM UTC+2, @TiddlyTweeter wrote:

I had an example Use Case to show but things changed so much in your tool 
> I'm revising it. Hopefully I have time soon.

Yea, It was alpha as we started. It is beta now. So I think we settled on 
the naming conventions. 

> I note your comment on buttons. Right.
> I also read the detail on discussion of using it for macros. I'm slightly 
> nervous about that. 
> The GAINS on HTML insertion and CSS styling are very substantial. I would 
> not want handling macros to confuse the basic need to expand easy invoke of 

The existing widgets haven't been designed with our usecase in mind. 
Especially the button widget is a "monster". It has way too many different 
usecases and way to many parameters. Some of them are used, some of them 
don't. .. Depending on the usecase. ... That's why the action-widgets have 
been invented. .. They do _only 1 thing well_ 

There was a bug in the code, that made it impossible to handle widget 
parameters in the right way. I fixed it, and will publish it soon. 

> I do have issues with INLINE markup (°) in that there is no way to nest at 
> the moment. It is also "verbose" having to do °°match°°.

Yea, Inline needs more love. It's the basic function only. similar to 
@@match@@ So we don't win anything yet. Nesting like: 

°° xxxx °° yyyy °° zzz °° will never be possible. since the TW parser 
doesn't work that way with inlines. There is the _need_ to have a uniquely 
identifiable endstring. So the \customizeinline will need an _endString 
param to make nesting possible. 


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