On Wed, 3 Feb 1999, John W. Kulig went:

> This year I experimented with posting by bogus name. The first time
> I had them pick their own names, but this was a mistake. I got some
> names like Bubbles, Love Machine, and the like, and other names that
> were of marginal taste.

This is also one of the oddities of communicating with students by
e-mail: how _does_ one keep one's composure when replying to an
academic query from a young woman whose username is (I'm not making
this up) "titty-licious"?

Now, about posting grades for large classes--use code numbers and put
'em up on the class Web site.  Students _love_ this, especially if
you're very prompt about it.  (When the test is pure Scantron, you can
easily have the grades posted by midnight on the day the test was
given.)  I've usually linked the grades page to a page of "frequently
missed questions," with explanations for the correct answers.

--David Epstein

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