On Thu, 4 Feb 1999, Pollak, Edward wrote:

> Linda Woolf rightly chastized me for my sdtatement that I post grades by 
> SS#.  Just for the record: I don't post the entire SS#, only the last 5 
> digits.   As others have pointed out, this also has problems but I don't 
> believe they are particularly grave problems, especially when my classes 
> have 40-100 each.

Someone else mentioned getting individual permission. That's what I
do for posting by student number. On the answer sheet for their first
quiz, I ask them to sign if they would like to give permission to have
their grades posted by student number. I tell them they are under no
obligation to sign, that they can revoke permission at any time, and
that student numbers are not entirely secure. Virtually everyone

That seems to satisfy our Registrar's office. But is it possible that
it could still be illegal even with individual written permission?


Stephen Black, Ph.D.                      tel: (819) 822-9600 ext 2470
Department of Psychology                  fax: (819) 822-9661
Bishop's University                    e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Lennoxville, QC           
J1M 1Z7                      
Canada     Department web page at http://www.ubishops.ca/ccc/div/soc/psy

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