At 04:32 PM 2/4/99 -0600, Jim Clark wrote:
>On Thu, 4 Feb 1999, Rick Adams wrote:
>> Stephen Black wrote:
>> > Someone else mentioned getting individual permission. That's what I
>> > do for posting by student number. On the answer sheet for their first
>> > quiz, I ask them to sign if they would like to give permission to have
>> > their grades posted by student number. I tell them they are under no
>> > obligation to sign, that they can revoke permission at any time, and
>> > that student numbers are not entirely secure. Virtually everyone
>> > signs.
>> >
>> > That seems to satisfy our Registrar's office. But is it possible that
>> > it could still be illegal even with individual written permission?
>>      It's still illegal, Stephen. There's a federal statute prohibiting their
>> use in that manner. In addition, if any of your students are under age
>> (i.e., 17), they don't have the legal right to grant that permission, and
>> their parents could still sue the school for damages.
>Rick is that a Canadian Federal statute, or did Canada get
>annexed by the USA when Stephen and I weren't looking?
>Best wishes
>James M. Clark                         (204) 786-9313
>Department of Psychology               (204) 774-4134 Fax
>University of Winnipeg                 4L02A
>Winnipeg, Manitoba  R3B 2E9            [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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