
>From the culturally-sensitive (said jokingly), Michael:

On Mon, 22 Nov 1999, Michael Sylvester wrote:
> Need info about Canadian Thanksgiving day.
> when is it?

11 October this year.

> what is the story behind it?
> did a pair of those men and women in black landed on Canadian shore?

I'm not sure.  Is some sort of Thanksgiving celebration common in
countries that have a clear harvest season?  Did it come to North
America from England?  Is it earlier in Canada because our
harvest season (on average) would be earlier than in the US?

> what are Canadians thankful for? (being close to the U.S,eh)

Being close, but not identical with.  Thanks for public and
universal healthcare, lower murder rates, and so on!

> whats the main staple on Canadian Thanksgiving day?(cod fish and
> Molson,eh?)

Turkey, fine wine, and no football games!

> do students who are U.S citizens studying in Canada get excused from
> the Dean to party and celebrate U.S Thanksgiving?
> For Canadian students studying in the U.S,are those Canadian students
> excused to celebrate Canadian Thanksgiving?

I would hope not in both cases.

> I do give my Mexican students a leave of absence to celebrate Cinco de
> Mayo, and do the same for my Cubans who want to celebrate Santeria
> festivals.

Have you done an exhaustive survey of your students to ensure
that you haven't missed any holidays that are important to them?

Best wishes

James M. Clark                          (204) 786-9757
Department of Psychology                (204) 774-4134 Fax
University of Winnipeg                  4L05D
Winnipeg, Manitoba  R3B 2E9             [EMAIL PROTECTED]
CANADA                                  http://www.uwinnipeg.ca/~clark

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