Wikipedia has interesting list of books that have been burned. I am sure it is 
not complete or canonical but it is quite long.

Another interesting fact: Martin Luther actually wrote a preface to a Latin 
translation of the Koran (although some say it tended to overstate some of the 
distasteful passages-that is probably a matter of interpretation). He certainly 
disagreed with it; I wonder if he would have burned it (especially with his 
preface in it)?'an_translations#Latin

If Koran-burning is so popular a pastime among American Christians and 
churches, it is a wonder that it has escaped the media attention of this latest 
effort which never actually came to fruition.


Dr. Rick Froman, Chair
Division of Humanities and Social Sciences
Professor of Psychology
Box 3055
John Brown University
2000 W. University Siloam Springs, AR  72761

From: Christopher D. Green []
Sent: Monday, September 13, 2010 3:14 PM
To: Teaching in the Psychological Sciences (TIPS)
Subject: Re: [tips] They Too Died That Day

Dr. Bob Wildblood wrote:

Marc Carter wrote: "As late as my youth I can tell you that (at least in the 
Catholic Church) it was taught that biblical stories required interpretation, 
and as late as my mom's youth, Catholics were not encouraged to read the bible 
without a priest handy to help you understand what it was telling you..."

Isn't that exactly what Martin Luther was complaining about 500 years ago?  I 
guess that's why we have Catholics and Lutherans today.

Luther probably didn't envisioned Terry Jones as the outcome of his injunction 
that everyone should read the Bible for themselves. (On the other hand, Luther 
probably would have been perfectly happy to burn copies of the Koran).  
Interestingly, Calvin's response to Michael Sevitus interpreting the Bible for 
himself was to execute him. And Calvin probably had a much great influence on 
American protestantism than Luther.


Christopher D. Green
Department of Psychology
York University
Toronto, ON M3J 1P3

416-736-2100 ex. 66164<>



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