An article in the NY Times today reviews how the U.S. is losing
their science majors once they are IN college.  The article is available

Some key points:

(1)  The focus here is on students with strong STEM backgrounds.

(2)  Science majors at big research institutions are more likely to
drop out of the science major relative to other less prestigious

(3)  As some of the comments to the article point out, people
with STEM majors and graduate study still have a hard time
getting jobs, especially ones that pay well.

(4) For purposes of this article, psychology is NOT a science
(indeed, there is a case presented of a student with a strong
background in math, was an engineering major at Notre Dame
and switched to a double-major in English and psychology --
he plans on becoming a clinical psychologist).

By the way, I believe the APA and other organizations were trying
to get psychology recognized as a STEM discipline.  Anyone know
how that is going?

-Mike Palij
New York University

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