My TM started in 5/76 and other than the painful spasms in the beginning I was virtually painfree until the past couple of years.  Any pain that I did feel in the beginning, i.e., a stubbed toe felt 10 times worse than I remembered pre-TM.  Now I have pain with the least little thing and doing the trial and error thing with the pain meds.  Elavil didn't help, it only made me gain weight.  Trileptal helped for neuroleptic pain which seems to have gone away so I have stopped the medication for now.  I also tried the Fentanyl patch but thought it was bothering my stomach too much - I think I was wrong there.  Now I have Morphine which definitely messes up my stomach and makes me constipated.  Am considering going back on the patch or trying Methadone.  I understand it works longer than the Morphine.
Get a second opinion.  My pain management specialist would only say go swimming, so I had to find another doctor who would help me until such time as I am able to try the swimming thing.
Good luck!

TM since 5/76

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