> and we asked him about Marinol.  We were told that the doctor needs a
> special license to prescribe Marinol.  Do you know if that is true, 
> and ...??


For some reason many patients get told this. I don't know why.

Yes, doctors need a DEA license to prescribe any Schedule medications.  MARINOL is a 
schedule III medication like TYLENOL #3, and many other frequently prescribed codeine 
meds.  Most all Doctors get this license before they start medical practice.

So, either this pain doctor has not started practice (Unlikely), has a drug problem 
himself ( if a doctor has a problem with alcohol, Rx drugs or illegal drugs, the DEA 
license is taken away), or he is lying to you.  OR MAYBE THE DR. IS JUST DUMB!!!  Or 
maybe they have a boat payment coming due and want to cut into you so he can make more 

You should find another pain doctor. Also, you should report this Dr. - file a 
complaint-to the state medical board of registration (ph# in Phone book under sta
te government)

Sorry for the bad luck. Good luck with your next doctor!


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