I've had tm for a year and a half and I'm just starting to get the pain! I've been numb and tingling from the waist down, until about a month ago.
I agree, you need a new neuro - one that's willing to research and learn about this disease!

--- On Wed 08/04, Sandra Brassil < [EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:

From: Sandra Brassil [mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Wed, 4 Aug 2004 08:32:58 -0400
Subject: Re: [TMIC] pain

Who in the hell does this neuro think he his???????? No pain?? I wish! I am at my fifth year anniversary this month with TM and still have severe nerve pain. Currently, I just use ultram so at least I can function. I've tried neurontin, amitryptyline, and many many countless others. The only thing that works for me is rest, exercise and the ultram just cuts the edge off. I have to say, my pain is not as bad as it was the first two years, but I would still consider mine moderately severe.
- Sandy Brassil

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, August 03, 2004 3:18 PM
Subject: [TMIC] pain

My new neuro in the pain clinic is telling me that PAIN does not continue following the first episode of TM. I was diagnosed over a year ago and I have had pain from my waist down ever since. I have burning, aching, itching, and my skin hurts so bad that the breeze from the ceiling fan even hurts. She is trying to tell me that my pain is not TM. She wants to do a nerve block in my ! spine, I demyelinated at T9-T10. Please help me. Do any of you still have pain for this long, or maybe longer?

Teresa Bain Ferrell

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