Sally and Debbie....Well the Lymphonema Clinic trip was bad. First of all I 
tipped my wheel chair over backwards going down a ramp into the crosswalk. I 
ended up on my back in the middle of the street. People came running to me form 
everywhere. When they lifted me up there were cars parked in the street with 
the doors standing open where they left them coming to my rescue. No damage to 
me or my wheelchair. My wife fell trying to catch me and scraped her knee a 
little. I was pleasantly surprised by the assistance offered by all of the 
strangers passing by. Once in the clinic I found out I will need to go to 
therapy three times a week for four weeks. They will massage and wrap my legs 
to reduce the swellling. Once the swelling is down they will put the support 
hose on them. I will probably have to wear them the rest of my life. I will be 
able to stop taking the Lasix and the coumadin. Then I went to the scales and 
found out I had gained a bunch of weight. When it rains it pours. I am now on 
Effexor and Lyrica as I try to get completely off the Lyrica. Pain level has 
increased some. Will keep you posted on the progress...........Cody in Austin
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Sally Wilkinson 
  To: 'Cody Kidwell' 
  Sent: Monday, December 04, 2006 3:53 AM
  Subject: RE: [TMIC] TM Question

  Hi my husband had to come off Lyrica as his whole body became swollen 
including his chest which in turn caused him to have breathing difficulties! He 
got off Lyrica ASAP. He then found his legs jumped like mad when he went to bed 
so he started just taking 75mils at night, which did not cause any side effects 
but did help stop the legs jumping! He is now off it completely as he is 
awaiting a spinal implant and was asked to take as little as possible drug wise 
as he has now been taught different  methods to deal with his pain. Hope this 


  Sally in the UK

  -----Original Message-----
  From: Cody Kidwell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  Sent: 01 December 2006 22:43
  Subject: Re: [TMIC] TM Question

  Debbie.... Iam going to a Lymphnema Clinic on Tuesday for the swelling. I am 
trying to get off the Lyrica and back on hte Effexor. I did better witht he 
Effexor. I think the Lyrica is affecting my breathing as well. Have you noticed 
any breating problems?............Cody 

    ----- Original Message ----- 



    Sent: Thursday, November 30, 2006 10:27 PM

    Subject: Re: [TMIC] TM Question

    In a message dated 11/27/2006 9:13:43 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL 
PROTECTED] writes:

      Todd and Rogette.....I have had a lot of leg swelling since I started the 
Lyrica. I was taking 150mg 2XD and I am now up to 300mg 2XD.  It still does not 
completely control the pain. Today I asked my neurologist about switching back 
to the Effexor. He agreed to switch me back. I had taken Effexor before after 
Lenora from the TMIC list said it had helped her. I switched to the Lyrica when 
it first came out hoping it would be the answer. I think all in all the Effexor 
worked better. I would be interested in hearing about others experience with 
Lyrica and Effexor....Cody in Austin

        ----- Original Message ----- 

        From: Todd Tarno 

        To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ; 

        Sent: Monday, November 27, 2006 4:03 PM

        Subject: Re: [TMIC] TM Question

        Yes this is part of TM.  I use Lyrica twice a day and Nortriptyline 
once at night time.  It doesn't stop it completely, but it does help a lot.  

        I never got to go to a pain clinic where they could really know what 
medications to give me.  That would be a great place to start.

        Todd in Corpus Christi, TX

        [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

          I have had TM for six months. I have it from the waist down and was 
initially paralyed from the waist down. I am now walking on a walker and semi 
on a heme cane. However, I get these strange sensations from the nerves in my 
legs and when I am laying down a burning sensation in my thighs that really 
hurts. Have any of you experienced this and is this medication for it?   

    Hi Cody,

    I also have had extreme leg swelling with Lyrica.  I was on Nuerontin 
initially and then switched to Lyrica.  I think the Lyrica helps, but the 
swelling is awful!  

    Debbie in Atlanta

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