Sadly, I am almost at year 8, and have also had an increase in pain over  the 
past years.  I try not to admit very often, but cannot do so any  longer.
A couple of years ago I went to a pain med doc and she was a bit too  free 
with the Vicodin for the pain in my back and leg.  I'm not  talking about the 
nerve pain that is so difficult to treat, this is  the regular pain that 
narcotics work so well for.  She wanted me  to take them around the clock in 
order to 
function better without so much pain,  but I was very worried about becoming 
addicted to the Vicodin.  So, I  only take it when I absolutely need it.
I have wrestled with the concept of asking my doctor for a change in  
medications for quite a while, but have heard so many of you discuss different  
effects when changing meds.  I haven't had any noticable side effects  with 
mine, and like it that way.  But, I am really not anywhere near  comfortable 
may need to make the move towards a change in strength or a new  med soon.
Hugs to all, Barbara A

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