I too started out with trouble urinating back in May of 2006. I too had an 
exam and was put on two courses of antibiotics. No change. Went to a Urologist 
and was scheduled for a Cyto. Prior to the appointment I had lower back pain 
which went down my legs and then I could not urinate at all. I went to Temple 
Hospital in Philadelphia and after 6 weeks was diagnosed with TM........I 
believe only by process of elimination.

In the hospital I had two angiograms because the doctors thought that I must 
have an AVM. Both angiograms did not show an AVM.

I am going to Johns Hopkins on Thursday for another angiogram. Dr. Greenburg 
wants his people to take a look. I am not sure what to pray for. To find an 
AVM or not. 

As far as an angiogrram being painful, not much. Just pressure. The hard part 
for me was lying still for 6 hours after the test. 

I hope they can find something or give me something to help me urinate on my 
own. Cathing is such a pain and inconvenient!

Wish me luck.

Everyone, Take care,

Marlton, NJ

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