Are you still having those bouts of diarrhea?  How long  ago was it that your 
doctor said you have Crohn's disease?  I had the same  problem for about two 
years before I finally went to the doctor.  After  many tests, I was diagnosed 
with Crohn's disease.  It is under control now,  due to medication.  Crohn's 
disease is nothing to take lightly.  You  probably should go get that checked 
again.  As far as the constipation is  concerned, my PCP told me that the 
higher the dose of certain medicines, such as  Vicodin, the more chance you are 
have constipation.  I noticed that when  I increased my dose of Vicodin, I 
had to end up taking Miralax.  I take  Vicodin three times a day to control my 

C-4 quad since July 2,  2005

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