  Once again you'vd done a great job of telling what it's like and yet,
  you did it with humor....
  Lucky Terry!!!
  It might be good for those whose caretakers don't have your attitude,
  to show this to their've made great comments
  and still, I knew how difficult it'd been for you.......
  Lucky Terry!!
  Hugs. janh
      My Dear Friends,
  Thanks to all of you for your kind words.  Thank you to the fellow caregivers 
who are committed to helping their spouses/sig others to have a better quality 
of life, for being in their lives and staying put!   Aren't relationships 
suppose to be 50/50???   I am sorry for those that aren't.   Terry gives so 
much to me; why would I not give so much in return?
  Some of you old timers (on this site), know there have been struggles with 
this life and Terry's TM.  But, obviously nothing insurmountable.
  I will say that I was SO PISSED OFF (can I say that here?) at his wheelchair 
initially.  I took my anger out on his wheelchair every time I had to get it in 
or out of the trunk of my car.  I would cuss that SOB, (can I say that here?) 
out!  I hated it!  That's what I hated! I didn't hate the damn (can I say that 
here?) TM.  I hated that damn (can I say that here?) wheelchair!  That rigid 
piece of crap, (can I say that here)?   I can actually feel my anger right now 
as I write this.  However, I feel it with a smile on my face as that was so 
very long ago.  TM has allowed me to grow and become a better person.  It's OK 
now and he has a great wheelchair that's very easy to get in/out of the car. 
One flip of the backrest and I grab it and swing it into the back of the little 
(non gas guzzler), SUV.   (OK, so I rambled)...
  Aloha for now, my friends!

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