Well, in our case, me missus went from TM to an MS dx in less than two years 
and that was over 10 years ago.

As her caregiver, I can't feel her pain but as Sandy says, I can understand 
what she goes thru, and also sympathize and most of all, make sure that all, or 
most, of her needs are met.  
Indeed, a full time job.

I guess that some of us are more willing to be tolerant of the needs of others 
who are in need; other than those others who don't wish to understand at all or 
couldn't care less.      oh well

I know of instances where the spouse took a hike rather than deal with the 
illness of the affected one.
What creeps.

Regards from Elvisland,     Bobby Jim
  From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]        To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ; tmic-list@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Tuesday, April 15, 2008 4:06 PM
  Subject: Re: [TMIC] Thanks to the list/understanding TM

  I don't have TM, my husband does, (8 years now).  Therefore, I will try to 
speak from the standpoint of understanding.   However, I don't FEEL his pain, 
but I SYMPATHIZE with his pain.  I sympathize with; his daily issues, his 
paralysis, his complaints, his clonus, his feeling of inadequacies, his 
feelings of frustration and pain over sexual dysfunction and bladder 
dysfunction, his loss of his past life and of OUR past lives.  I LISTEN to him. 
 I AM THERE FOR HIM.  I encourage him, I apologize for his pain and anything 
that will make him understand that I UNDERSTAND to a degree. But, I don't think 
anyone can FULLY understand unless they have TM.  He knows I understand more 
about TM than many.  But, as they say, "unless you can walk the walk"...... I, 
more than likely, will never walk that walk.

  I love him, I am committed to him and I will continue to do my best to 
understand TM thru his eyes.  He is very detail oriented about it - so that in 
itself, helps me understand better.

  Anyone with a disease such as TM, needs someone to listen to them with 
compassion in their heart.  I will always do my best to be that person.

  Sandy Parker

    From: Robert Pall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
    To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; tmic-list@eskimo.com
    Sent: Tue, 15 Apr 2008 12:36 pm
    Subject: RE: [TMIC] Thanks to the list.   
  Has anyone ever figured out how to make non TM'rs understand what we go thru 
  If so please share the secret!

  Sent: Tuesday, April 15, 2008 3:30 PM
  To: Robert Pall
  Subject: Re: [TMIC] Thanks to the list.

     That's the best thing about this list.Everyone knows how it feels to have 
tm;it's not something that a "regular" person understands.
      Cheryl in Easthampton,Mass.

  Robert Pall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
    I would just like to thank all of the people on the list who responded to 
me in the past few weeks. It helped me thru a difficult time! 
    I have been married for 38+ years and my wife has no idea what I go through 
on a daily basis….nor do my children, my relatives and my friends. Only the 
people on the list truly understand what it is like to get sick and never get 
better! Only the people on the list relate to terms such as banding, pins & 
needles, freezing/burning etc. Only the people who have TM can truly relate to 
TM and how (in my case) in just a few hours my life changed for the worse. 
            I am sorry I and all of you have TM…but I am extremely grateful for 
the people on the list who always find the time to help!  THANK YOU ALL!
    Rob in New Jersey  

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