Hi, Carol,

I had a several days a couple weeks ago where I was really worried when I,
too, was having a flare-up of TM.  (It's been three years this month since
the onset).  I came out of it just fine with extra rest for a couple days
and using Ib and a couple Tylenol tabs every four hours to take the edge out
of the pain.  My entire left side was 'reliving' the onset exactly as when
it happened so that is what scared me the most.  Well, after doing what I
said, I am just fine.  I don't pretend to be as wise as the neuros but I do
know my aftermath of the TM better than anyone.  I'm actually feeling much
better thank I have in a long time.

ALSO, for those of you who remember the conversation(s) about the WalkAid
for foot drop?  I sent for the info on it which came with a DVD and it was
pretty encouraging.  Jack and I made an appointment with a prosthetic
specialist in Richland, WA (about 80 miles away from here) to see if it
would work for me.  It isn't covered by insurance nor Medicare so it would
be $4,707 out of our pockets but Jack said he didn't care, if it worked we
were going to get it.  They did not charge for the initial visit, which was
good, because it doesn't work for everyone.

It is a very simple concept and it actually did work.  It looks kind of like
a shock collar they sell for dogs and is very simple.  Once he finally got
it working and programmed right, it did work.  He set the sensors right on
the muscle on my upper calf that controls my foot and each time it zapped
that muscle it would make my toes and foot upwards.  That is when I would
normally raise it to take a step.  Does that make sense?  Anyway, after
trying it out for about an hour and a half and seeing how much trouble he
was having just to get it to work we felt it wasn't quite perfected yet,
especially for the amount of money they were asking.  Jack said instead, he
was going to get a cattle prod and take it out when we go for walks.  

Since then, I am consciously making myself raise the toes each step I take
and I think it's going to work.  Up to now, I've let the 'big brother', the
left leg and foot do most of the work.  

Sorry for being so wordy...again...Jeanne in Dayton 

-------Original Message-------
From: Carol
Date: 5/3/2008 11:16:03 AM
To: tmic-list@eskimo.com
Subject: [TMIC] Steriods AGAIN!
Hi all,
I know some of you do not believe in going the steroid route, but when that
s what your neurologist recommends and you are "getting worse", what is one
suppose to do?  Anyway, I will be receiving out-patient solumedrol next week
 Mon-Fri.  I hate steroids because they not only make my blood sugar out of
control, they also make me crazy.  I remember 2 years ago when I had this
treatment, by day 3 all I did was cry.  I was never so glad to get something
out of my system as these steroids.
My local neuro says either I am having a TM flair-up or I have MS and it
just has not shown itself yet.  Last week, I had a MRI of my brain and
thoracic spine, with and without contrast and there was no change from 2
years ago, which is great news, but then WHY is my good leg getting
worse????  It feels like it is shot full of Novocain from the knee down. 
When I met with Dr. Kerr 2 years ago, he said I definitely do not have MS
and didn't think I would have any flair ups of TM.  I am in a state of
confusion.  If I have MS like my local neuro thinks, don't you think it
would be evident in my new MRI's?   
Wish me luck.
Carol in Culver, IN

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