> *Hi Jeanne,*

*Was just posting a response to you, and somehow lost it.*
*Very true Jeanne, but you must remember that some patients who initially
present with an episode of TM, later develop MS.  I'm not sure of the stats,
so won't make any quotes here.*
*Then, there are cases like mine.  I initially presented with TM and was
diagnosed with Idiopathic TM.  Then, upon my second severe hit, they did the
NMO IgG test on my serum, and discovered that I have Relapsing Devic's NMO.
Until 2006, they were not aware that we also often present with lesions in
the brain, but they now know that we do.  Getting that definitive diagnosis
is sometimes a crap shoot.  Thank God that I have the neuro that I do---he's
all over this thing like white on rice and is doing everything that he can
to keep me on my feet, not blind, and most importantly, alive.*
*Gracie  *

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