Dear Carol,I am so sorry you have to go thru this. My neuro cannot decide
what I have so I take a shot of copaxone every day just in case it's MS.
Know you are in my prayers, hopefully it won't be so awful this time. When
did you first get hit with TM???
again you are in my prayers. There are 5 of us who meet on Thursdays for
prayer, we will be thinking of you

Worrying does not empty tomorrow of its troubles;
*It empties today of its strengths.*

On Sat, May 3, 2008 at 12:15 PM, Carol <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>  Hi all,
> I know some of you do not believe in going the steroid route, but when
> that's what your neurologist recommends and you are "getting worse", what is
> one suppose to do?  Anyway, I will be receiving out-patient solumedrol next
> week, Mon-Fri.  I hate steroids because they not only make my blood sugar
> out of control, they also make me crazy.  I remember 2 years ago when I had
> this treatment, by day 3 all I did was cry.  I was never so glad to get
> something out of my system as these steroids.
> My local neuro says either I am having a TM flair-up or I have MS and it
> just has not shown itself yet.  Last week, I had a MRI of my brain and
> thoracic spine, with and without contrast and there was no change from 2
> years ago, which is great news, but then *WHY *is my good leg getting
> worse????  It feels like it is shot full of Novocain from the knee down.
> When I met with Dr. Kerr 2 years ago, he said I definitely do not have MS
> and didn't think I would have any flair ups of TM.  *I am in a state of
> confusion.*  If I have MS like my local neuro thinks, don't you think it
> would be evident in my new MRI's?
> Wish me luck.
> Carol in Culver, IN

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